The Onion is Using a Stock Photo of Mike Bocchetti for an Article on Kid Fuckers.

159  2018-07-20 by EncinoEscobar


I hope he sues

...then asks for his payout in 5 year olds.

love the onion. God bless them and Bocchetti.

Remember when a Clinton donor bought them up? Hilarious ever since.

The av club is a bunch of faggots though.

They have been using the same one for years...but yes, I hope he takes them for all they are worth.

I usually like Onion satire, but this wasn't very humorous. Just seemed pretty basic.

I stopped reading The Onion a long time ago because after awhile the writing gets really formulaic. You know exactly where in every article the beats for jokes will be that you don't even need to skim through it. The headlines tend to get repetitive too as well as the same gratuitous "shock value" moments.

It's funny, but not worth checking out every day. You read one week's worth of The Onion and you've pretty much read all of them.

This is gonna wreak havoc on the Opester's numbers when it hits the news he visited and hung out with one of these monsters.

"For years, strangers in this country have been depicted in an unfavorable light," said Strangers of America president Paul Hughes..."

Shuuure sniff

Bocchetti always has the look of either having a stroke or is about say something

He looks retarded

I like the Onion articles, but the Onion news network was a Compound Media level failure.

Where’s big bad Sal?

Putting pride back in the Proud Boys

Lol the onion xD

Super fun kewl safe urban white Reddit humor xD

Holy fucking shit, it really is him.

Who are the other monsters in this pic?

Buddy d....dddiiiss is outta' line I tell ya!!! Dose guys are todal buddwipes!!!!

Wow he should totally sue for credit.

jesus wtf just looks like more harsh white male criticism. "An imperfect white male is not welcome, but all minorities are okay"

Unlike Sam, my personality changes as I get older. Different opinions, tastes, politics, etc. A healthy human being in other words.

The one constant in my life is that I’ve always hated the Onion. It’s the most boring form of humor on the internet. I remember hating it 20 years ago when I was just a kid, and I hate it even more now. It’s so boring.