Uncle Paul Will Be the End of Jim & Sam

45  2018-07-20 by OpiesInnerCircle


Let's hope that Sam's antisemitism gets to the mainstream soon.


Curly haired nobody hates kikes isn't exactly newsworthy.

The end of Jim & Sam was years ago

We on Chip now

We live in a world full of faggots now

and not soon enough

Uncle Paul doesn't have twitter.

Anthony's on twitter.

The only thing I care about is the end of Sam's life. The sub should rejoice when he dies from salmonella from bad chicken tendies.

Melissa stetten dated him after ant and her broke up.

She has a type

And he dropped her right ght before GotG premiered.

my nigga


This guy made Disney one and a half billion dollars and he's done over some off-color jokes. Hollywood is finished.

Same dog shit company that will make god knows how many more movies where Johnny Depp acts wacky underneath countless layers of makeup and prosthetics. They’ll feign concern over his off the rails personal life because their market research indicates he’ll move tickets in China.

Hopefully JG will go back to making movies that are actually cool again. He has the carte blanche to dust off and push through the most twisted and out-there scripts he has in his drawer. Marvel will never be cool. They and their fans don’t deserve craftsmen who apply any kind of personal stamp.

Agreed. Johnny Depp can be constantly drunk, physically attack crew members, and beat his wife, that's cool. But when the dude from Troma makes some faggot jokes, everything is out the window. I've hungout with James whenever he comes to Chicago and he's the best dude. Fucking railroaded by right-wing conservative assholes. It's fucking pathethetic.

Clown world

What the fuck did they expect? The guy started out writing for Troma. Stupid faggots

I still havent found a better Troma movie than Toxic Avenger, any suggestions?

Terror Firmer (also written by Gunn), Cannibal The Musical (South Park guys. They get drunk for the audio commentary and it's hysterical), Combat Shock (Like Taxi Driver but a lot more bleak), Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, Surf Nazis Must Die (great fucking soundtrack), Father's Day, Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD, Killer Condom and said Tromeo and Juliet.

Do you consider any specific one of those better than Toxie? I watched Poultrygeist and it wasn't even close, IMO. It was kinda funny but I didn't think it was a good movie at all.

Hmmm, I don't think you can really beat Toxic Avenger because it's a classic, but for sheer entertainment I would pick either Terror Firmer (There's also a behind the scenes documentary which is fantastic. Kaufman is a fucking psycho)/Cannibal/Tromeo

I mean, there is no Troma movie that's comparable to Toxic Avenger (sans the sequels or Class of Nuke Em High). If you want something of similar feel, I'd go with Street Trash. As for sheer Troma entertainment, I'd say Cannibal or Terror Firmer

Thanks. I watched Class of Nuke Em High as well and didn't really enjoy it either. I'll check out Street Trash.

Note that Street Trash does not contain a hideously deformed monster hero of superhuman size and strength. But it's grimy, gross and funny. The torn of dick football scene is classic

Street Trash is so fucking funny, one of the most watchable of all the terrible Troma-esque terrible 80s movies like that. I never get sick of that grocery store scene "I'd like to know what you're doing with all that chicken in your pants"

It doesn't get trashier than this

Street Trash rules

End? It's still on? Damn, I must've missed something.

These missives were not funny and entirely disturbing

“just the facts”

Every “news” article is an opinion piece these days.

Check out the front page threads about this if you want to feel completely left behind.

Thousands of people all agreeing that these fucking milquetoast NAMBLA jokes are ‘unacceptable,’ ‘over the line’ and ‘not even funny.’

I’m sure it’s in his interest to apologize but it’s so fucking pathetic. Can’t someone with skin in the game refuse to fall on his sword? Where’s Mel when you need him?

Getting blown in dry unused swim trunks

Holy fuck you weren't kidding. I expected that all those Marvel fanboys would be at least defending this guy but every comment there seems to be written by my 80 year old dying prude grandma. Is this the world now

James Gunn is fucking great. Slither, Super, PG Porn, and both Guardians films were all damn good.

But he's gotta be a fucking idiot or he tweeted this shit knowing he's got a huge chance of getting canned from Marvel.

The tweets were like 6 years old. He either genuinely forgot about them or thought the Hollywood cartels would have his back

No, Uncle Paul on Twitter will be the end of Jim & Sam.

I began to be annoyed by him for his Marvel involvement, and his douchey grandstanding about POTUS. Judd or Kumail might be the only ones who I would be glad to see take a hit for something so frivolous. Just once, I would like to see a major corporation stand by its talent, and tell the minuscule contingent of people who are faking being outraged to fuck off + die. Hopefully this will be viewed as a jump the shark moment for outrage culture. I can only assume that awful Disney wanted to sever ties with him for a while and was ready to embrace any excuse they could find. They know these shitty superhero movies direct themselves, and they could bring in a cheaper option who’s not going to piss off the sensitive maga crowd.

This seems like Disney found those tweets and fired him on breach on contract.

The sjw movement had caused corporations to find yet another way to fuck us. Gg mfers

It was the right being snitch bitches this year

Well both

It might be and he knows it, he mentions it right here during Irish Uncle Paul / Pete O'Guy lol https://youtu.be/k_qUC-IAFEA?t=229

Hmmm, I don't think you can really beat Toxic Avenger because it's a classic, but for sheer entertainment I would pick either Terror Firmer (There's also a behind the scenes documentary which is fantastic. Kaufman is a fucking psycho)/Cannibal/Tromeo

I mean, there is no Troma movie that's comparable to Toxic Avenger (sans the sequels or Class of Nuke Em High). If you want something of similar feel, I'd go with Street Trash. As for sheer Troma entertainment, I'd say Cannibal or Terror Firmer