Rich Ex-Radio DJ Goes to Mentally Disabled Comic's Mom's House & Mocks His Living Conditions

50  2018-07-20 by OpiesInnerCircle

Opie rifling through Mike Bochetti's medicine cabinet, drawers, closets, cringe worthy. How is he so not self aware that this doesn't come off as funny, just...mean?


it's his nature. He feels superior to people even though he really isn't.

A problem his daughter will never have.

Opie whined for YEARS about not having a visual element. Now he has the freedom to take video of anything he wants, and produces shittier content than the average 15 y/o on IG.

Wouldn't Bocchetti's house be something actually worth taking video of, rather than just narrating your way through it?

Because he has to do everything himself. He doesn't have interns to yell at to put together a video element.

he's been trying to get a viral video for over a decade...

ME: cakestomp was kinda viral brothaman!

"I'm not good" - Sex Bagel Opie

He's literally retarded.

He really has the mental capacity of a homeless man.

worst podcast ever

Is there video of Opie smoking pot? I think that's bad. It would be a shame if child services in NYC were informed, but Bam's kids need a stable home, not a lunatic drug user.

Is he really trying to be a "pot guy" now?

Well now that the majority of states have medical marijuana laws, many states have decriminalized possessing small amounts of marijuana, and some states even have recreational marijuana laws, it's safe to be a pot head so Opie is all in with it.

Did they take snoop's kids? I don't think we'll get much traction with pot.

I was blown away. I've never heard anything like it.

A lot of my clients are in the Hollywood area. One afternoon I was in an AM/PM mini mart, and there was a woman around 55 years old who was droning on about how she's an actress. I was just there to buy a beer, but her story was fascinating. From what I could tell, the woman was an actress a long long time ago, but in her deranged mind, she was still "a hot ticket." She was going on and on about her career. The AM/PM clerk seemed to be just bored enough to let her drone on, and the "actress" seem to be delighted to tell her story.

From the looks of it, she was homeless.

It's rare that you see someone who's so addicted to attention that they'll literally prioritize it higher than a car or a home or family. Someone who's addicted to the spotlight the way a junkie is addicted to dope.

But there she was.

That's what the Opie Radio podcast reminded me of. Not funny, but definitely interesting.

We got a cultured gent over here.

I'm just a west coast faggot, but I have an eye for degeneracy

Those words are redundant

true :(

The west coast is full of fags and jews.

You went to the store to be a beer?

It's rare that you see someone who's so addicted to attention that they'll literally prioritize it higher than a car or a home or family.

Much like your rambling post.

Opie Rules

It's rare that you see someone who's so addicted to attention that they'll literally prioritize it higher than a car or a home or family. Someone who's addicted to the spotlight the way a junkie is addicted to dope.

That’s one of the most common things I know of.

I hope his kids get bullied.

Was he trying to recreate that Norton/Florentine cribs thing they did back in 2000?
