Anthony stays up to 6 am logging into different Twitter accounts to continue a one sided delusional conversation with William Shatner...

132  2018-07-20 by ghandicumia

While the lorem ipsum text is still on the front page of his website.

Nice "rise again", stupid.


Nice "rise again", stupid.

But haven't you heard?? He has 100,000 paid subscribers!

Where did he say this?

Oh wow. That’s just a blatant lie. “Wildly popular”??

Similar to Opie's one sided delusional "war" with Stern.

Me: "Look, Stern was fawkin' scared of me, awlrite?!"

The guy needs a hobby, maybe he should take up painting or woodworking. Nothing good will come when a 60yr olds only passion in life is his Twitter.

He needs a fucking intervention.

To quote Ronnie B: "I don't think an intervention would work for you"

Ant: (incredulously) Really?!

Ron: Sure, because you'll never admit to hitting rock bottom

Boy, Ronnie knows how to call them.

Maybe his hobby could be scanning his website for spelling, grammar, and content errors?

He's really going to turn into a Nana looking creature(moreso than has already occured) with his xanax/drinking daily habit. This sub gets under his skin, plus drinking, plus xanax, plus no exercise or a real reason to live. In 10 years if he's still alive he'll no exaggeration look like your average great grandma nana person.

We can only pray that he lives long enough to become that tiny hunched over loney little old bitter Sicilian nana/great grandma person who is ignored & overlooked by almost all of society. Ant is already 3/4’s of the way there.

How about working more than 8 hours a week?

One is an elderly has-been who makes his coworkers uncomfortable and the other is Anthony Cumia.

Remember when he argued with Danny using that Corrado Sporano account, and actually tried to claim it wasn't him? That really was some of the most embarrassing shit I've ever seen, Opie levels of embarrassment and delusion.

It's so fucking embarrassing, he's directly admitted that it was him that was running the account on multiple occasions, then seemingly forgets about it and then posts in third person. I swear his brain must be just fucked from constant alcohol use, no one can be that dumb.

Isn't creating new accounts on Twitter to circumvent a ban actually not allowed?

I have, several times in fact. But I'm not sure how to report someone for evading a ban, it doesn't seem to be an option. Thankfully Nana is constantly saying awful, racist, and homophobic things that are just as valid grounds for reporting.

very time Anthony gets banned from Twitter, in order to create a new account, wouldn't he need to create a whole new email account?

I hope that's the case, because that drunk fuck will eventually stop remembering which email to use. And that'll spare us all at least a few days of his Twitter nonsense until the vitamin b1 shots kick in and his wet brain dries out enough to remember.

Yes, that's correct.


lol salute to everyone who spams those abuse complaints

if only people did that immediately after he made his new account...... Oh, sorry, that's exactly what they did

You're all fighting the good fight.

Why wont they just behave??

I report all of the bannable things he tweets and my reports just disappear. I still get updates on other people I report but not him. I'll get the notification that they received my report but then it will just be gone. I think they ignore my reports because I report him so much but I only ever do it for legitimately bannable things. Annoying.

It's a bit galling that Islamic extremists' Twitter accounts are allowed to post the most heinous, antisemitic, homophobic, violent things with impunity. Have a look at Arabic Twitter.

Yet, when someone reports Anthony's endless racism, they get ignored...

Arabs are allowed. Anthony is allowed. Anthony is an Arab.


A recent study pointed towards sleep deprivation and alcoholism leads to early onset alzheimer's.

So enjoy the memories Nana.

why havent we gotten his @anthonycumiacn acct banned yet. he's been on it way too long.

What a faggot.


If I did it tweet it.

By Anthony Cumia

Jesus that is embarrassing

just so I understand this properly.
Anthony used an alt account (Corrado) to talk shit to Danny, then using his real account (AnthonyCumiaCM) retweeted Corrado and congratulated him(self) on the bashing.


No, this is Anthony Cumia using a Sopranos Sockpuppet account, in CHARACTER, to try to get his third Anthony Cumia twitter account unblocked by William Shatner so Anthony Cumia can badger him like a raging Trekkie at a "con" somewhere and try to get him to do a show on his MULTIMILLION DOLLAR NETWORK.

This is so much worse than the Danny thing. People know who Shatner is. This has potential to turn him into a mainstream internet LOLCOW and start his descent into some sort of Chris-Chan style tragic meltdown.

When people ask 'what are lulz'? the answer is very simple: For the lulz is the only good reason to do anything.

"And rise again"

I thought you were kidding about the Latin still being there...but nope, there it is. Right on the front page.

What's the Latin?

America's most notorious shock jock

"Lorem ipsum" is a block of Latin gibberish that is used as placeholder text for graphic design. The point is it shows what the actual text will look like but it doesn't trap your eye because you can't read it.

The Latin in question is on Ant's web page, meaning it's like a first draft that he still hasn't finished.

We got a smart guy over here

It's not that he's smart, it's just that you're incredibly stupid

Jesus Christ.

Apparel, mugs, pint glasses, more… Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

What a bunch of boobs.

I'm beginning to think the rise again refers to his ability to wake up from a xanax indeuced blackout in the afternoon

You don't think Opie starts a blackout drinking session at 11 in the morning because he's too busy doing adult shit like raising his kids and actually, god forbid, trying to put real effort into producing something people will enjoy?

He probably has nothing to do with his kids' lives at this point. It's been years since he's even mentioned his least that I've heard, to be fair. He could talk about her every moment of his show, but I wouldn't know.

And you stay up watching it happen just to make some stupid Reddit post.

I woke up before he went to sleep you stupid faggot

That's our Nana

I remember years ago when he would block anyone that asked him to unblock their friend. What a massive faggot.

Ant needs a Blackberry key2 phone. Like a pro-level tweeting device with an actual scroll wheel, I can't imagine tapping at that glass thing for hours

Can Anthony please just die already?

To Anthony the actors on something like "Emergency!" are still important to him.

Sue, the final frontier...

These are the voyages of the Starship, Tranthony.

It's continuing mission,

To engage twitter battles at 4 AM,

To seek out new dick, new sexual experiences.

To boldy bite where no one has bit before!

Faggot ipsum dolar.

He stays up too late. I'm angry!

No, this is Anthony Cumia using a Sopranos Sockpuppet account, in CHARACTER, to try to get his third Anthony Cumia twitter account unblocked by William Shatner so Anthony Cumia can badger him like a raging Trekkie at a "con" somewhere and try to get him to do a show on his MULTIMILLION DOLLAR NETWORK.

This is so much worse than the Danny thing. People know who Shatner is. This has potential to turn him into a mainstream internet LOLCOW and start his descent into some sort of Chris-Chan style tragic meltdown.

America's most notorious shock jock

very time Anthony gets banned from Twitter, in order to create a new account, wouldn't he need to create a whole new email account?

I hope that's the case, because that drunk fuck will eventually stop remembering which email to use. And that'll spare us all at least a few days of his Twitter nonsense until the vitamin b1 shots kick in and his wet brain dries out enough to remember.


"Lorem ipsum" is a block of Latin gibberish that is used as placeholder text for graphic design. The point is it shows what the actual text will look like but it doesn't trap your eye because you can't read it.

The Latin in question is on Ant's web page, meaning it's like a first draft that he still hasn't finished.

lol salute to everyone who spams those abuse complaints