I found a recent Dave Landau interview on a very obscure network

0  2018-07-20 by Bluesmoky


The host actually seems to be a fan of CM

I'm not going to listen to this clip because I have no interest in hearing Landau, but I have enjoyed clips from the Classic Metal Show in the past. I remember a couple years ago they were doing a lot of coverage on the drama / infighting between members of Ratt (an 80's hair metal band which is probably even less relevant than O&A in 2018).

These guys are pretty funny. I listened to some of the RATT drama, too. I think these guys are to Eddie Trunk as O&A are to Stern. The only difference now is CMS is still funny and entertaining.

Is he really a comedian? Never says anything funny.

F list YouTubers interviewing D list comedians. YouTube has become cluttered with no names interviewing each other. No wonder it's hard to get monetized now. The CMS guys can be pretty funny though. They're bviously old school O&A fans.

the interviewer is good. I just don't understand Dave and his appeal? He mentions how he has no interest in being in NY yet is moving his family here. And how he has made a comfortable living doing comedy but doesn't want to go to the next level.