More dignity than Nana

37  2018-07-20 by unclepaul84


ME: I'm a fawkin' fly! The larvae are a bunch of fawkin' haters


I disagree.

You are sick then.

I’m sick now too. And in desperate need of help.

Those with dignity dont pay fat tongued negroes, and unfunny hack comics to do a podcast from the SS Minow.... about cars and fucking watches.

ME: Glad you enjoyed the new episodes! More on the way brotherman!!!

I dunno why but those look like doodie glasses to me. Like he wears those to sift through doodie looking for corn kernels and undigested peanuts for his collection.

I think you may have a problem my friend.


Well, he has been doing it since he was 18, you know.

Could of been a model

Could have, you fucking illiterate moron

To be fair.. that's how opie says it. The retardation is strong...

There is nothing going on behind those eyes.

Opie is the Bobo of retards.


Like a dolls eyes

Opie could smear himself in feces and try to assassinate a politician, and I would still think, "Well at least he's not a twitter addict."

Opie is a cunt.

I will forever be grateful to Opie for making Vic and Sherrod exclusive to his show so they won't ruin other shows.

The Opster put up numbers.......what a cunt.

Thanks for the correction. Either way, he still puts up the numbas

at least ant isnt begging ian halperin on twitter trying to get him to do his show like opie does.

Me: "Fawwwkin William Shatner blocked me on the Twitter. Sam, where we at with the Shatner?"

Sam: "The Shat Man? I dunno."

Me: "Haha. Fawkin' Shat Man."