I was tuggin' my prick to toes when this lumux appeared

35  2018-07-20 by Tugguh


All clear, DJ.

Club soda kenny dresses exactly the same as my dad.

Jeans and a button-down. Wow. What are the odds?

Short sleeve buttoned shirts are the worst. Only exception IMO is a Hawaiian or Outdoorsy tech shirt in the right setting and you can pull it off... or you're a big fat bearded old Florida fisherman type. Just roll up your sleeves or get a pollo that fits you.

Mormon elders on mission don't get a pass. They look fucking stupid too.

Who's the chick

Dakota Johnson


Anastasia Grey


Don Johnson’s daughter

No shit ?

Some bitch in mom jeans.

Don Johnson’s grown up cum

Someone please explain what is so hot about feet

I don't even know, I just know I jerk my dick to them. It's like trying to explain why a smooth armpit is sexy, something we all agree on that's hot but can't put into words.

you guys are depraved man I can only get off to good ol' fashioned tits and ass baby

I'm not into the smells or anything, and I even think anal is degenerate. I've only seen one anal scene that turned me on, I'll link it if anyone would like. I just like the look of certain feet and pits. The older I get, the more fetishes I inherit.

That sounds like what a gay man would say so people think he's not a fag.

Not true! I'll talk tits and ass any day of the week on the site with a cup of Joe and my crew, know what I'm saying? Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I talk tits on company time, chum!

There is something hot about underarms.

My little cousin made me smell hers when I first started noticing girls

Feet AND incest. Charmer

With a Japanese name. Coincidence?

Bachi got that ass whooped

Scientifically, Freud thought fetishism and especially of the feet might be due to the arousal part of the brain and the feet part of the brain are quite close physically. Think long island and Connecticut but it's thought you can fetishisise feet if some asshole decided to build a bridge between long island and Connecticut. Not everyone has the same asshole brain that decides to build the bridge but it seems quite prevailant in the world of fetishes.

Psychologically it's thought to be a thing with mothers of course.

Be more funny!

He wasn't verbose and it was informative. Shut up, stupid.

Nice joke stupid

I call bullshit, only because women pay money to have their feet look good. It's some instinctal shit.

Freud thought everybody wanted to fuck their mothers because he was a degenerate kew. Psychology is a kiked "science."

please explain what's so hot about women

How did this disgraced, corrupt cop who probably should have been jailed wind up working for actual b list celebs?

Schumer opened the door for him working with celebrities. One pig helping another pig out.

I imagine working for Dice for years helped, too.

Kenny worked in internal affairs, which would make him an honorable cop or the scum of the earth, dependent on who you ask. On the one hand, you got the fact that he put a lot of dishonorable, corrupt, cops behind bars. On the other hand he put a lot of his brothers and sisters in blue behind bars, all over a couple dead niggers and a few missing drug dealer dollars. In other words, it's a tough one, man.

Why is his face so small? It's enraging to experience.

King of queens in the back

John feder

I would love to know wtf Kenny can protect he’s old out of shape and more importantly old.

He’s a big dumb cop, he can probably punch a hole through your head from years of experience doing it to homeless and probably has a gun too

Forgot that fukn ape can carry. Other than that I think I could take him. That bs karate shit he said he trained ain’t nothing to worry about.

You severely underestimate old man strength. I've seen 50 year old men beat the shit out of cocky 20 something's without breaking a sweat

On the contrary sir I’m no child. I’m in my prime.

all them niggas look like birds

Wikifeet is fucking terrible, 95% of it is shit like this where you get half a toe though a sandal from 4 yards away.

Doing well after his chinectomy I see

How does someone get a chin (or lack of) like that..

Be nice to Kenny

Dis bitch gets nekkid too much for my taste.
