Can we please mobilize against "comedian" Hannah Gadsby

0  2018-07-20 by HongerBobo


This is guy, OP, has Opie level ship steering capability, maybe he should be the leader.

I just want the glory days of the Pest to come back. The world needs us now more than ever....the world needs to know Hulk Hogan took down the Twin Towers

Kill yourself, maybe you can relive 2005 endlessly in heaven.

You lost me somewhere, brother.


Oooooooof what a fag. You are an activist just like Gadsby

why do u care

Why do you care that he cares

He's secretly in love with Hannah and is mad that she munches box and won't ever suck his peckah.

He's secretly in love with Hannah and is mad that she munches box and won't ever suck his peckah.

Bc after my mom kicked me out of the basement I need a way to direct my anger

Let's be honest though, Carlin got away with this type of shit.

Carlin may have talked about political stuff, but there is one thing that separates him...he was actually funny.

Funny adise, he actually told jokes

Thought merit of talent.

Take this shit to KotakuInAction with the rest of your kind, boy. We're here for good times and big laughs with pals.

department store scooters

This sub doesn’t have that kind of focus anymore.

It's just a one woman show like they do in Europe all the time. It sucks but I fail to see why people give a shit.

The glory days of this sub. Now it’s people making identities of hating Anthony and Jim like ex lovers.

That thing will burn itself out.