Today’s TACS LIVE viewers count

67  2018-07-19 by gamblerlv


Yah, but you aren't counting the other 99,034 subs that pay to watch it later in the evening.

If that’s real, how can you see that?

You just press the i symbol in the upper right corner of the screen. It's there for everyone to see, and i don't think Ant and Keith knows it.

Most episodes of Ants show gets between 3500 and 4000 views. (Thats excluding people using apps i assume), most of the shows this week has had about 1200 people watching live.

I would assume most people only use the app.

I would be very surprised if it's that many.

But they're expanding the studiospace, so either they have money saved up or it's going pretty good financially.

I don’t know if you know this, but the apps are shit/don’t work/people complain they can’t use them constantly.

I heavily doubt any decent amount is using them to view Ant’s show.

That's how that saiyan guy said to do it in a yt vid. Seems legit. Finally the sub get the numbers. Should sidebar them for every show

I wonder if that's full views, or if it counts every time the stream craps out as another "view"?

I might start doing a Compound Media billboard/chart/position update:

Top of the Wops

Multi-million dollar company.

900 of which are friends, family, and employees logged in different accounts.

That's pretty solid for live viewership of a show that is on during work hours across the country. May be inflated even. Not sure why you're trying to shit on 1K live viewers.

More than i thought they'd get. Especially for Rev Bob Levy as a guest...ooph.

I think it's the fact that Anthony claims to have over 100k subscribers. I would think more than a thousand people would be streaming it. You don't have to watch it, either. You can listen to it and spare yourself Anthony's face. I think the fact that it's on during a work day would mean more people are listening, not less.

1k views within 2 hours is terrible for a supposedly thriving media network.

Women selling used clothes on Facebook live get triple these numbers.

Facebook is free

The clothes aren't

Neither is the pussy.

100K strong and growing





So if 1000 people watch it while it’s on, and 1000 people watch it later, and a compound sub costs $10 a month. That’s $20,000 a month

I hate to give Anthony credit, but judging by my own violent repulsion to his physical appearance, I have to think the majority of his audience doesn't watch the show at all.

Yeah ill bet there are a bunch of people who think that subbing to the cumia network they are "stickin' it to the libtards" and that actually watching the content is unimportant. Not many though l.

I meant they listen instead of watching. Obviously I have no way of telling for certain.

But does views mean "with eyes" or just times the show was accessed

I would imagine at most this number includes people streaming from the site and the app but not from RSS. But that's just a guess. Also, isn't RSS still not working? So maybe that number is more accurate than I thought.

I have no idea, the visual representation of ants failure here is as far as i dip my toe in

Righteous bucks

That's the episode number, not the viewer count.

You are dumb

It's episode number 663 and it's got 966 views. You can tell the difference by which one has the word "views" next to it.

No, that's the number of hovers over the thumbnail before better judgement takes over.

Theres multiple whores on twitch doing ASMR with more viewers than that lmao.

Luis J. Gomez has one episode of his podcast with 20,000 views.

Luis has some semblance of charisma

The views go up every time the PLAY button is clicked... not unique clicks... if you play it once and pause it twice while slogging through it... it will count as 3 views.

It could be one account that clicked on the show 966 times

Some people are clicking on the episode just to see how many views it has with no intention of actually watching it.

Righteous views!

Wow. Didn’t know that there were that many truckers watching at once.

Dave Landau was a great hire.

It would be interesting to compare the opster's podcast numbahs vs ant's to be honest whitcha.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had hit around 100,000 when TACS first started, but I bet it wasn't long before that dropped off. Or they had that many when Gavin was on.

But does views mean "with eyes" or just times the show was accessed