Lazlow (aka Jeff) featuring in a trailer for a multi-billion dollar game studio

2  2018-07-19 by TonyFromLongIsland What's Daniel Ben Dovid up to?


Crazy people ruin everything. The ones in my life have the presence of mind to post memes on FB decribing their conditions and sorrow then go back to being destructive cunts to everybody around them. This is easilly one of the best reasons to instituationalize people.

diversity: the game

look at the dead franchise grasping for straws

Look at the 6 year old game that's still making $$$ hand over fist.

Found Danny's new alt.

good to know they are bringing back an underrated character in my opinion. Gay Tony. Not to be confused with the other Gay Tony, the nightclub owner in Grand Theft Auto 4

all the characters in the franchise were terribly acted faggots.

which could be set about me and you for posting here. shut up stupid

Unless its story mode than I don’t give a care what they are doing