Being a white kid with an afro probably used to get Sam lots of attention and make him feel special when he was young. This must be devestating.

71  2018-07-19 by SaltyJoeMatarese


Nobody gave him attention or made him feel special. He was just a little Randall weems looking kike obsessed with wrestling.

Can someone please put the Arthur frame around the Sam on top?

I was a pretty 9/11 ish terroristy looking creep in middle-school and highschool, but curly hair got me consistent attention from girls and even some of the teachers.

Curly hair works for any dude.

So a pube like consistency is desirable since when? Must be why black guys keep it short and black women spend thousands to get braids wigs or whatever the fuck. Literally pubes glued on your head for some genetic/evolutionary reason. Now if we're talking curls as in Michelangelo's David then yeah, it works

What a pretty manlet

It's basically the difference between New York Jew curly hair and Israeli Jew curly hair.

New York Jew curly hair is highly efficient, as it just sort of forms and sticks to your head, though it has a bland appearance.

Israeli Jew curly hair is not very efficient, requiring cleaning and constantly being blown around by slight breezes. But it is something that automatically styles itself very well.

I still think Sam's hair probably worked for him, the brillo pad nature of it may have not been appealing to people, but they'd still find interest in it.

God you are fucking gay. Hopefully you’re bald now and free of your glorious kike hair

Yes, Nana, hair like mooring rope, we get it. Take your Xanax.

Well,you know,the moors...

Curly hair is for fags and you're delusional about your school days.

Except his mommy, who coddled him into the man-child we see today.

Nice pineapple hair

Are we leaving off the ", stupid." part now?

I'm not up on all the latest OnA subreddit trends.

I was being sincere

Funny thing is, Sam is almost definitely using Minoxidil and Finasteride (Rogaine and Propecia), and he is still losing hair at an extremely rapid rate.

Sam cannot afford the same hair transplant the Jim Jefferies got

Jeffries probably had individual follicles placed accordingly

Why don’t you just say rogaine and propecia. Trying to show off your knowledge baldy?

Awww cant handle some big words babby boyy

Aight, pipe down, Morton.

Not gonna lie that shit was pretty funny. No one ever handled it well.

Jefferies is probably going to a hair stylist before appearances,it's why his hair looks so stiff,there are products that can temporarily give you hair, I imagine in show bussinesss they have that shit down to an art

Also he probably had implants or something and yeah the results are worth it if it looks half as good. He would probably be bald as BroJo by now, considering he says he has some shit genetics from his mom,Gunther,up Gunther up!

It's "up Gunther, up"

Mark Normand asked both of them if they were using propecia, Jimmy said he'd never heard of it and Sam tried to make out that he doesn't care enough to

He’s almost definitely using them? Judging by his hairline I’d say he’s definitely not using them.

You're right. Someone who cares so much about their shoes, couldn't possibly care about their hair.

Your theory comes undone when you consider the fact that Mr. Roberts does not care about his appearance in most ways, other than his shoes. Sir.

Hey jim how was the 2028 daytime emmy's teftmeister interrupts *huhuhuh It was great sam the emmy's are getting edgym They did that wonderful sacha baron coehn bit on the people who aredefending owning hacksaws. The blades are for the axe men you don't need a little saw. And if Sacha wants to saw through tyranny with his hilarious prepper character he will saw through the american flag and we will praise him sam said jim

This....needs work

This was stupid, but I got what you were going for and the idea made me laugh.

His hair isn't even naturally curly, it's kind of wavy. The little faggot has been getting perms for years, simply because he thinks having a shitty jewfro makes him unique.

Yeah, it's waving goodbye on account of going bald.

It's too bad this faggot got human growth hormone when he was young - he deserved to be a midget.

dead midget

didn't his narcissist, Munchausen, mom get him on hgh at like 14? He probably had a decent chance of being a normal height anyway.

He also had a balloon dick . Basically his body was doing everything it could to stop Sam from spreading his diseased genetics. Repulsive laugh, probably deformed body/midget and unusuable dick. Actually Danny Dovid Ross might be his doppleganger,as he is a midget,annoying gay voice,wears dresses and we know Ant fucked his women. And just like Sammy was seemingly unmoved at any jokes made at his expense during the XM days, Danny was unable to let anything go and even got his own goy(Antwan) to defend him from ridicule.

He really is aging horribly

You seem to imply he ever looked better than his current state. This is not the case.


From Lonzo Ball to Sideshow Bob

More like retarded lonzo ball

Young Sam looked like an inverse of the movie Soul Man.

White Chicks before they put their wigs on.

Sam has one lip

There are 19 year old pro baseball players that look more like men than Sam does. How he does not hate himself off a cliff is beyond me.

He's going to look like Krusty the Clown in a few weeks.

Nice fivehead, stupid

That's a 12 head

His eyebrows are receding as fast as his hairline.

This has gotta be the ugliest "human" ever

Then...hiya Georgie!

This made me laugh but fuck it's so god awfully mean.

He looks like he has mange 😂

The Ronald McDonald charity is really great for the kids. What can I say?

That top picture is fucking enraging he thinks he is cool making that pose like “dont mess with me, im psycho”. The bottom picture isnt as enraging but he truly is primate roberts

Went from afro to half-fro


He went from looking black to looking Jewish, quite a feat

I’m a white boy with an Afro. People treat you like a freak(as they should).

Yooooooooooo That's bad. Real bad. That much balding and hair should be kept short. O.O And why are his eyebrows balding??? What happened to his sideburns? Absolutely no upper lip....

Time to develop a sense of humor Sammy (One where you don't just make fun of others, cause you don't have that luxury anymore)

This dude needs to just start wearing baseball caps or fitted caps. If he went down the Anthony route, and always wore hats, then we wouldn't even be discussing his horrific appearance

His nose does have some niggerish features.

His hair makes wanna put a big loogie in it.

Ugly nigga looked like Lonzo Ball

I'm more distracted by his deformed mouth-breathing balloon face, he should cover that bit 1st.

My god, what is that hideous thing?

Stop it mom im not a faggot heheh hehehh hehehe

Patrice said it best: Rusty haired negro.


That fucking homer Simpson, simian like mouth is the most punchable thing on earth.

chicken tenders diet keeps his curls nice and crispy.