Jimmy loved cruising for hookers at night, listening to Joe Benigno. Now we know why

10  2018-07-19 by BackstabbingSammy


I have a friend who works at the FAN and they told me Opie is being considered as a replacement and negotiations are ongoing.

Remember when Opie claimed WFAN asked him to fill in when Carton got arrested and shitcanned? He claimed he turned it down because he’s an ace starter, not a mopup reliever. Now he’s pitching in an adult men’s league.

wool blankets, dude.

Nice teeth, stupid.

Figures it was a woman that spilled the beans and ruined the fun. She claims in her lawsuit Benigno tried to get her into a threesome with he and his wife. I bet that's a lie and she's a disgusting pig and got mad that she was the only woman he didn't proposition.

Can you imagine Benigno’s voice sexually harassing a woman? Nothing smooth or quiet about that seduction

I like the cut of his jib.