Male Silicon Valley Stars Enabled T.J. Miller to ‘Bully’

9  2018-07-18 by BenedictJimmy


Isn't that smug streetshitter on that show? Burn the whole thing down.

That would be him!

I'm mad at myself for clicking on this link

This Alice Wetterlund seems like a far-far-far-left cunt though:

Just a random reminder that I know one man personally who was falsely accused of rape. He’s fine. His career is fine. He’s actually doing really well. The dozens of women I know personally who have been assaulted and raped by men are not fine. They still suffer daily.

Doesn't seem like the best person to believe when they scream how awful and terrible men are.

Mike Judge shits on TJ Miller publicly so it's not like a 'take the word of one sensitive chick thing.'

Miller's probably still a shit but her "literally every single man that worked on Silicon Valley is guilty because they're enablers of toxic masculinity" viewpoint should be taken with a grain of salt.

She said anyone with any power- and I dont have a hard time believing that any of the guys on that set were super into telling TJ Miller to not act like a shithead

Is she empowered or not? Did she try to solve it herself?

She’s so vague, but it flies with some of these people just because he has the cloud of suspicion over him and obviously such a blatant dickhead.

He may have raped a chick with an empty bottle of Rolling Rock back in ‘03, but we just don’t know. He certainly seems to have drunkenly phoned in a bomb threat on Amtrak recently, and likely has a drinking problem. But what, specifically, did he do to this bitch?

Not reading this article, but her entire character was a token role just to give a woman an acting job. The character served no purpose and was a one-dimensional bore. She should be thankful she even got a job and money from it.

It certainly gives pause to those who are hiring. You can take one look at her hair and know EVERY opinion she has in life.

If you’re bully being bullied by the cast of Silicon Valley, what would the cast of the Sopranos do to you?

Silicon valley might have the most hateable cast of any sitcom ever made. Worse than Frasier or even Just Shoot Me.

I still like TJ Miller. I also like Shia Labeof and Justin Bieber. I'm not joking either. I'd be a complete piece of shit and bully if I was rich and famous

Congrats, you are honest. Have a cookie!

(I'd be murdered within a week with how big a piece of shit I'd be if I was rich and famous.)

Come on, Kumail, you camel-fucker. Why did you let this poor, powerless woman be dehumanized?

Season 1 of the show was okay. I abandoned it long before TJ got the boot. Street shitter and cross eyes were complete deadweight.

"fags don't stand up for themselves, entire country not surprised"

Sounds more like Alice in Cunterland.