lobster shagger. 😯

0  2018-07-18 by Kim_Jung_pUn


This is not funny or entertaining.

What if she called Ant Lobster Shagger?

It still wouldn't make sense you humourless cunt. Lobster girl cuckolded Ant to save a lobster. Ya fucking fool.

I can't read this without imagining your adorable accent and jacked teeth.

A shame you can't imagine anything remotely funny to say.

Perhaps muy humouuur is own hOlidaaay, Pip.

Wrong country. Not only are you unfunny, you're inaccurate too.

Bullshit, it doesn't matter what island you're on. You still bow to the Queen of England, and talk like a fag.

I'm gonna follow this cunt for some hate-fuel.

I hope your are found in a pool of blood with a wild dog chewing on your intestines.

You should be shamed into suicide. I hope you are the only crotch sproglet your inbred mother cursed this planet with.

Please give gold.

Blow me for it.

Molly Pitcher rest stop on the NJ turnpike. 4 am tonight. Knock twice on the far stall.

Not surprised you spend your time there

You can come down too.

I don't know if this is an invite to blow you or a Vos plug.


Whats the point here? Communists should be considered as bad as nazis?

is lobster shagger slang for fucking gingers?

Not surprised you spend your time there

I don't know if this is an invite to blow you or a Vos plug.