Meanwhile in Europe : Where there is demand, there is supply. Basic economics.

0  2018-07-18 by -2017


I'd superglue the lock, so this frigid but wishful bitch must piss & shit herself until the firemen cut her out her lockshorts

Don't encourage this retard!

Ahh, I see, he's one of those

Gay shorts are legal but you can’t buy a gun

So instead of European governments doing anything about the muslims, they just rely on companies to release products to keep women safe.

Just call them what they are, Rape Panties. "Ladies are you worried when you go out that a pack of wild, savage arab or African muslims will surround and rape you? Are you tired of walking around with the jizz of a dozen smelly, stinking animalistic muslims leaking out of you as the police ignore your plight? Then buy our Rape Prevention Panties! Guaranteed to keep you safe!"

You should make that voiceover ad for them.

The late-night infomercial for these must be hilarious.


This is a shitlib sub now :)

Fuck you

Isn't Capitalism grand!

Fuck off

It's funny how we're coming full circle now. Women are becoming hyper puritanical about sex. Chastity belts are becoming necessary. The Burka is liberating. God help us.

Rip Europe.