Anthony would have a better professional reputation today if he had gone on a killing spree.

14  2018-07-18 by McGowan9

Schinkle about it.

If he'd fully committed and had beaten Dani to death that night, shot dead the two responding officers, taken a couple of SWAT with him before getting riddled with bullets, like a greasier, gayer Tony Montana, he'd be a grotesque legend.

Journalists would pore over hours of old audio, looking for clues and tell tale signs of "Acne Scarface - the Roslyn Heights Butcher's" hellish frame of mind. Sociology students would write papers on him. He would be immortal dog shit.

His current downfall is far more sordid and undignified.


I hear Albert Fish did a pretty good Dice impression

Anthony's more of a Richard Speck, in appearance at least.

If that had happened I would have a WOW sticker on the back of my truck right now.

Didn't he do that at the Oakerson roast?

What, eat his balls?