Bob Kelly looks weird with hair

112  2018-07-18 by Fightingrooster


Violet you're turning violet

fawk yeah i want a gold bird or sumptin

"You're blowing up like a Balloon!"

(Unlike Opie's Podcast gig)

Wasn't there an article recently where this fat piece of shit lost a bunch of weight? Yeah, you can really tell.

Probably vomited her breakfast

taking a dump the size of Gibraltar doesn't count as losing weight.

got me

Jabba the what?

This life-size planet makes me want to vomit

She's flat!

Tell her to lick Uranus or sumpthin',

Say what you want about Colbert, but while she was telling a story about chaperoning a trip to a farm he had her do an impression of a cow. It was very funny and seemed like a deliberate move on his part

Good heat. Fuck you bobby

Is she zorbing?

Nice make-up, Divine

It looks like a waterbed with a head on it

I kinda wanna see her naked just so I can see what horrors are under that circus tent.

I wanna see her naked just to shoot a load

Good enough for a poke, eh, Carol?

I wish I knew which hole he’s gonna poke her through.

Is the circus tent her muumuu or her fupa?

Her ankles must be made of titanium. How long did it taker her to get to the chair? Or did they just come back from break and she was already sitting in it?

She waddled to her seat and seeing Colbert next to her was jaw dropping. The bitch is like 4 of him

They probably moved the couch over.

They moved the set to her living room.

They did that with Don Rickles once near the end

Maybe Colbert just ran backstage for the interview like on Maury when someone runs off and he has to go after them

Disguising yourself as the sky ain't gonna help, lady.

I hate this bitch

flowers for algernomnomnomnomnom

The Cakes of Wrath.

The Great Fatsby

After she left, I hope Colbert torched he seat.

What else would you do with a pile of kindling?

The chair must've smelled like pure death, because you know this bitch can't reach her pussy to clean it

Sure the fatty is funny, but let's keep in mind that it's 2018 taking a shitty pixelated photo of your tv is pretty much the same as break dancing on a peace of cardboard

I looked up at the tv in my break room and saw that disaster so I took a pic. I’m not going to figure out her name and then find HD pics for your approval gay boy

Her name is Heidi Klum you ignoramus.



were all of his questions about her weight? if not, who are they kidding?

I bet they got the audience clapping for her, that Colbert piece of shit.

They fed her some peanuts and had her do some tricks.

I will say this, as long as this big bitch isn't trying to post modernize people into thinking her body is beautiful and all that fat acceptance horse shit I couldn't care less about her. That being said I'm amazed she released a self help book when her life expectancy due to her lifestyle choices are going to have her die at the ripe old age of 37.

Sort of related to your point but I’m on tinder the other day and I come across this nasty hog with the drumstick arms and cankles. She said she’s a “health adviser” which I thought was both hilarious and absurd.

You should send her a message telling her to put the fucking fork down. Get that health advisor pocket money.

Well to be fair it’s a pretty easy gig for someone like that. All she has to do is say “This is what I do, just don’t do that and you’ll be fine”

I would have taken her out and shown her a good time of my frat buddies laughing at her and making mocking pig noises as we throw cake at her.

This Is Us is always nominated at every award show, and whenever she's on the red carpet, the hosts overemphasize how fabulous and ravishing she looks, and nobody from the panel of flamboyant homos providing fashion commentary would dare crack a joke about her colossal mass. She gets handled with the silkiest and softest of kid gloves because everyone is terrified of coming off fat-phobic. Everyone else in the industry who starves themselves and slaves over the treadmill surely wants to see her roll like the boulder from Indiana Jones off a cliff.

Yeah but the trade off is that those who have amazing bodies are rich and famous and can fuck anyone they want. If that was my life I would let some fat bitch and the media live in upside-down clown world all they want.

She looks very brave and courageous... and beautiful.

That couch grew arms and a head...

She's trying to rip off Sibby. Hell, Scorch is so huge, everyone is ripping him off.

Instead of making sandwiches with bread, use pop tarts. Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon.

Look at that blubber fly!

It's like a lava lamp

Fish sandwich? I dunno...

You can brush your teeth with milkshake!

Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, too?

Isn't that where those Thai boys got stuck?

Colbert looks concerned about her getting chocolate and Cheetos dust all over his desk.

Homer Simpson wore it better.

How she got there?

Chasing Indiana Jones

Her tapestry is beautiful

Loved her in Gilbert Grape.

Women are so oppressed in our country that they can become famous just for being fat tubs of shit who aren’t ashamed of being fat types of shit. That’s it. Let’s be honest, that’s all she’s really ever done. She achieved one thing. Getting attention. That’s it. And it wasn’t attention for inventing something or creating something or building something or selling something or improving something.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this women before. Who is she?

She's an actress. Not that that's a noble profession or anything, but she did build herself a career.

Men get publicity for the same shit and worse.

Western society loves freaks, they don't say they do, they hide their love of it behind disingenuous compassion, but they sure do love it.

how the hell does someone maintain that level of weight?

I had no idea I could see heart disease in human form

Lack of self control and eating more than your caloric intake.

what a revoltin' development

10k calories a day

You literally have to stuff yourself beyond reason.

Even if you have a full Mcdonalds meal for breakfast lunch and dinner while sitting on a couch and playing Halo all day, you can not achieve this weight.

You have to sit in your house and every day force chocolate bars, ice cream, pizza, bags of doritos, mountain dew and lava cakes into yourself. The amount of times this Woman shits herself is probably astounding.

These people should be praised. I really believe the sheer commitment to sloth and calorie consumption required to achieve such girth is much more challenging to maintain than the training and diet regimen of an Olympic athlete.

Hey, are you about a size 14...hundred

Stephan Colbert indirectly called her a cow. He fawkin' buried her!!

I thought you were kidding.. He asked this fleshy yard sale "what does the cow say"? HAHAHAHA

“Ah wash myself with a rag on a stick.”

Wesley, get mamas pryin bar

Its silly she goes on these shows and they treat her like a real person.

She’s looking quite healthy!

I bet she can't wipe her own ass.

She looks like Bart when he talked about washing himself with a stick.

It's name is Chrissy Metsz - I just looked it up.

She is an actress on a tv show called This Is Us (I imagine she plays "Us")

Apparently she's lost a lot of weight, and was on the Colbert show last night. If this is her today, after "having lost a lot of weight", I am going to guess she was a stunt double for a grain silo previously.

I wanna rub her belly and feed her deep fried butter.

you think she’s done with that dress? My pool needs covering.

Dude. Ya take ya estrogen, ya put on a big blue dress, ya put on a wig. BOOM you're a beautiful tranny.

Oh so there's one of the 10 new Jupiter moons.

At any point during the interview, did Colbert say: "We need to address the elephant in the room".

People who let themselves get that big should be forced to sign an agreement allowing people to hunt them.

She makes a great star map

Good enough for a poke, eh, Carol?