Elon Musk & Anthony Cumia coming up next on The Joe Rogan Experience

56  2018-07-18 by taylornafasi


There's been, Uhh... 'Allegations' from certain Inter-net trolls that I, Uhh... Participate in sexual mishaps with transgendered women.

gently tapping the table

::tremble tremble::


Elon: "So I read that pedo guy is next on your podcast?"

Hopefully he does something stupid in the meantime to make things awkward

Can't wait to see Anthony pretend to be space savy.

"So, Mr. Musk, did you catch the color of all those guys in the Apollo control room?"

What makes you think they'll be on at the same time, retard?

I don't know. I don't watch faggot Rogan get high and pontificate about how his shitty snake oil saves the world. Maybe you like watching muscled-up midgets, faggot, not everyone does.

When he has a good guest he's pretty good

I disagree. Whenever a good guest is on I have to fight myself to put up with the totality of his faggotry. Rogan is a bigger fence riding regular Joe than Norton is.

Norton is a fucking worm who should know better. Joe is so stupid that I can't really blame him so I can see it through the fingers.

das geen engels mongooltje

door de vingers zien doesn't translaye in English dombo

I feel so ashamed

Joe is an open borders guy and for that he's retarded. But if he doesn't bring shit like that up I can appreciate his shows sometimes.

Great points made here.

Don't try to back pedal stupid bitch. You're as stupid as the Cumia negroes.

"Hey world famous billionaire who's using one of the biggest podcasts on earth as an attempt at PR damage control after a couple of months of terrible press, would you mind sharing the platform with some racist nobody?"

Something tells me they're on at different times, you donkey.

Elon Musk: I built Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX

Anthony Cumia: We built Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, while these savages do nothing!

To be fair, Anthony could've installed the HVAC systems for all of those businesses.

Anthony pretends like he has a construction background, all he did was drive a van and physically move parts from point A to point B on the jobsite for a year.

HVAC Techs, especially the Foreman/Superintendent need to be able to read blueprints, specs, understand heating/cooling, understand building codes, etc. Ant did none of those things. Useless cunt showed up late, fucked around, and washed out.

Good point. I realized this right after I posted but went to take a shit instead of editing it.

The exact amount of effort it deserves.

He was a mexican day laborer before mexican day laborers came along.

HVAC techs do pretty good pay wise? I always thought Ant was a tech. But, hearing his work stories, seemed like he did not touch the system at all.

Masters can make over 100k pretty easily.

I have a cousin that works union HVAC in CA in new construction office buildings etc and makes $120k-$140k with over / double time. It's a five year apprenticeship; he's been doing it for about 10 years.

Every so often he'll get work on a casino in Vegas or Reno where they're pulling 16 hour days just to get it open ASAP and in three months he'll make a year's salary then go on crazy vacations.

It's a pretty sweet gig if you don't come from a family of Cumias.

Wow. Cumia really was a low rate slave.

Curious also, there is a tech school by me (im military). For a year long class they want 40,000. I was under the impression that you can get into trades by just apprenticing?

Yeah, I was a union laborer for a few years after HS and have family who are also union carpenters and electricians. It's pretty nepotistic honestly. We all got in basically because my dad and his friend worked for a pretty big general contractor and hired them/us right out of HS. If you have union worked lined up already you basically get to skip to the front of the line and just pay your initiation fee and can start work immediately (for laborers there's no apprenticeship). For both apprenticeships (UBCJA and IBEW) I believe you still have to take entrance tests for basic math skills etc, similar to the ASVAB then you get put on the waiting list for school (if you don't already have work lined up). Then you work on the job typical 40+ hours a week and go to school sometimes a couple nights a week, then sometimes you take a week off work every couple months and go for a block. I believe the carpenters apprenticeship is like 7-8k hours plus completing the required courses, and the electricians is like 9k and you get pay bumps along the way, the last one being pretty big once you turn out and become journeyman.

This is strictly union info. I haven't looked into the reqs in years so they may have gone up. Some states really aren't union friendly but it's a good gig if you can get in in CA or NY. Most union trades are 20-25 and out and if you start early enough like one of my brothers you can retire early 40s with full benefits / pension.

Elon Musk and African Musk

Elon and Dylon

Anthony has 2k viewers per episode. Literal nobodies as guests.

Joe gets 20 million per episode, guests like Steven Tyler, Elon Musk.

Anthony is a fucking retard.

Nice podcast, midget.

Elon moved away from Africa to get away from people like Anthony.

Musk - 4 hours plus

Cumia - 1 hour (at the end of a fight companion episode)

gently tapping the table

I disagree. Whenever a good guest is on I have to fight myself to put up with the totality of his faggotry. Rogan is a bigger fence riding regular Joe than Norton is.

The exact amount of effort it deserves.

::tremble tremble::