
30  2018-07-17 by barlowqt


How do redheads still exist? Who in their right mind would let a dude with red hair in their family bust inside of them?

Apparently they let you bang drummers on the side, though. Well the dont let you so much as you just do it and they get cucked.

um ok. is there a way to test for red hair in the first trimester or do you have to wait until the head is crowning to abort it?

I was joking about Dave getting cucked by his wife with a drummer.

Ok but my question stands

*wedding band drummer

Wow u really r horrible...... well i guess i see y everyone likes u........ u fit right in here




Peak boomer online speak w/ da endless ellipses

Good Job at getting 300 karma points in 2 days.......too bad u can't be like me and join the -100 karma ranking......darn i don't think mine can get any lower then that.....

Post your titties you'll get lots of karma and I'll be nice to you

Oh joy that's all i ever wanted was to be loved by you and everyone here.........i just want to fit in........ i want to be just like you........... u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes will u love me too?????????

Should you really be throwing stones? Isn't your type "guys that punch me in the cunt"?

Sure but my kids are beautiful

Shuuuurre they are.

"Looks white"

Let Anthony be the judge of that.

Everyone likes future gangbanger mongrels, right?

You just know they already steal shit when they're at friends' houses.

That you man hands?

I think you have that backwards. I'm a redhead and I've had many a black woman ask me to be their sperm donor, and I've cucked quite a few black men as well.

You're a mutant that gets destroyed by life giving energy aka sunlight

It takes a mutant to bleach the black race. I didn't ask for the hand I was dealt, but I play it to the fullest.

I believe in some cases it's a recessive trait. So even if both parents have brown or blonde hair there can still be a fairly decent chance of their offspring being born a ginger.

what happened to the comic who destroyed Ant's desk on the ESD show?

He’s been permanently suspended from compound media.


Dave is such an untalented pussy faggot

I still don’t know why you hate him so much ?

He's a hatable, untalented, fuckface who tortured Fez trying to usurp him on the show, he's a neglectful father who would boast about leaving his infant children in the car while he went to Suncoast Video to buy DVDs, he fleeced a bunch of people lonely enough to want to be in his life by buying him shit on his Amazon wishlist, he turned down $24K that Fez offered him for childcare and made Fez out to be a villian for the offer, he is desperate to become famous and has failed at it for 11 years now.

I would argue that he was doing his job as a producer and trying to fill a very large hole Fez left when the big cat completely shut down and wasn’t the same Fez we all knew and loved back in FL/WNEW/WJFK days. If there’s anyone to blame it’s both Ron and Fez; Fez for allowing personal shit to get in his way of doing his job and Ron for allowing it to go on for as long as it did. If you were in Dave’s shoes what would have you done? Your executive producer (Earl) is an incompetent boob, and one half of your talent has completely shut down. You should also take into consideration that a lot of stuff gets played up on air. You bring up one example of Dave being a neglectful father, again maybe played up for air, but I’ve been friends with Dave for a while now and I’ve seen him be a great dad who wants to do right by his kids. As far as the Amazon wish list goes, I’ve seen plenty of people lesser known than Dave have them and get stuff off of it from fans. No one is pulling their arms to buy stuff off there. I actually agree with you about the Fez willing to pay for Daycare, I’ve mentioned that to him that he should have done that several time . I personally offered Casey a few opportunities to do some part time work for the company I was at at the time and she turned me down. I don’t think she wanted to work and if Dave had taken Fez up on it, it would have given her no excuse to find a real job. As far as wanting to become famous, a lot of people want to do that. What difference in your life does it make whether he succeeds or fails at being famous? If you think you’ve got more talent than him, start your own podcast, produce your own show and see how easy it is.

Dave, you're a sad little character.

You need to be supervised by state employees when you're around your children who you neglected so much your daughter was, what, five before she spoke her first words?

I am already gainfully employeed with a family. I own my own house and own TWO cars. I don't need to start my own podcast (on a friend's network by the way) and I don't need Bobo to beg people on twitter to donate to my car payment. Nor do I need to mooch off my elderly parents who even though I am forty two forbid me from drinking anything but milk at family get togethers which is another thing you can't say.

I remember seeing that clip but what was the guys name?

Stevie lew

No wonder I didn't remember.

Flutesy looks like one of the goblins from Harry Potter

Or Labyrinth

Goblin' mah peckah!


…and does Mr. Cumia have his…key?

If there ever was a shirt worthy of a "nice shirt, stupid" it'd be that gawdy 2002 Ed Hardy disaster Bobo is wearing. For the love of god, I hope that's a hand-me-down or yard sale purchase and not anything he paid more than $3 for.

Big A is one of the scariest looking humans ever.

He looks like he should be spitting bloody pigeon feathers out of his mouth.

He sticks out like a sore thumb even in this group of monsters

Why is Jeremy Clarkson wearing a batman hat

Flutesy has nice legs, but that face is terrible.

Roy in the middle is totally normal. As you move away from him the level of mutation increases

The faggot in the Opie hat? The amount of people I hate is getting overwhelming.

I thought that was Gavin. I was wondering why he’d agree to be photographed with these people.

He's a good, principled white supremacist. A true patriot.

$200 split amongst them wouldn't even cover Big A's morning chum feed.

I hate big A's confident smile. You're a goddamn monster, act like it!

he's the best at what he does, why not be confident?

He's the best at what he does, and what he does ain't pretty.

He really should be peeking from the shadows, recoiling once noticed.

He looks like Mr Hyde from the blockbuster hit Van Helsing.

Something Ant's never had, actual friends.

Flutsey is only there becUse she thinks this is a springboard to fame. The other people are all retards who think Dave is famous. They also need the 10 bucks a week Dave is giving them.

Costs double that just to get into the city.

Of course Bobo is wearing jorts.

Poor Flutesy is trying every angle to hide that nose. Middling success in this case


"ya heard what I said???"

Six employees and two fucking omnipresent hangers-on. Imagine you have a job where the boss's two friends just sit there and watch you work, all day every day.

Do you think the Comound Media employees ever go to a bar and talk about Bobo and Big A?

"So like, who are those two guys?"

"I thought you knew."

This is a radio show?GTFO.

Is it just me or does anybody else want to see a porn where Big A fucks Flutesy?

I want to see one where Big A fucks /u/sams_seed.

Watch her act like he's out of his league.

Big A's funeral will feature several of his soldier penguin's carrying him into sewer water.

Also, who's the broad on the right?

that's no broad that's a broadside of a barn.

Affectionately known as "Good Ole' Pot Roast Knees."

The schnoz to facial ratio in that pic must be a record breaker.

Someone post a pic or gif of that girls ass as princess Leia.

I wonder if there is a hivemind thing going on

What is bobo doing with his hands? He's got them all twisted and clenched and whatnot.

That little retard is autistic.

I genuinely cannot tell which one of them has an extra 21st chromosome.

Why is Stairway to Stardom’s Jimmy Schwatzman doing ESD’s show?

Why does Flutesy hang out with these monsters? Her legs alone are nice enough where dhe should at least be hanging out with a gaggle of skateboarders behind a Dairy Queen or something.

the guy on the bottom right is like 90 years old wearing a batman hat and shirt. what an oldman child

Munsters remake.

Promotional poster for the New Mutants movie coming out?

We are the world!

That chubby girl is much better looking than Flutesy. Who dat?

The one in the middle is the ugliest woman I ever saw

It takes a mutant to bleach the black race. I didn't ask for the hand I was dealt, but I play it to the fullest.