Number 1 Best Seller

290  2018-07-17 by SpudsCuckley


How is his book on any bestseller list?

Well he does have 100,000 subscribers.

I suspect that his Alex Jones / Stormfront adoptees are not book club members. Most likely don't have credit cards or Amazon accounts. They will be waiting for the book to appear in the dollar bin at walmart

I'll be in that line, too.

Deeeep discount bookstore.

Stormfront dont have a lot of options for their circular

Not even Stormfront would accept that nigger.

You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

Shut the fuck up, soul brother

I looked it up yesterday. He was 1 in the very small category of movie / actor biographies, which is filled with months old books. He was bouncing around high 30's, low 40's in total best sellers, and is totally out of it now. That just means he had dozens of pre orders, but not huge numbers.

That book is fucked, all his nut hangers have pre ordered, and no one cares otherwise. But watch Cumia claim he was a nation best seller for years.

Don't forget that publishers can buy a few thousand copies of their own book to drive something to the best-sellers list.

What the Fuck is that?

A BDSM Spoof of Mission Impossible?

Sue lightman is playing dress up as Quiet from the last metal gear game. He probably got confused with the amount Anthony kept repeating the phrase "keep it quiet".

Is that man supposed to be dressed like quiet sniper from metal gear?

Indeed he is.

Don't let Ant see or surely he will be ashamed of his words and deeds.

If a man wants to dress like a woman and get fucked in the back of a pontiac aztek for money, that's fine by me.

But this " oh, look, I'm vaguely dressed like a video game character " shit really makes me cringe and hate life.

I've seen some really bad Quiet cosplays, some don't even do the stupid black shit on the face like he did.

And small titties. Biiiitch, do you even know why that character is a fan favorite in the first place?

Aztek!? - what a high roller you must be!

A regular walter white

It's not very vague


Amazon lists it as #15 of their hot new books list, and nothing on that list is worth reading. They also list it at $36 CDN. The release date is Nov 20, 2018. So all of this promotional yammering is nonsense. Cumia's self promotion is pure lying, 100,000 subs? 75% gentleman of Moor descent, please. We all know he won't be telling any truthful stories about anything interesting, he will bash Sirius, Opie and twitter, basically rehashing all the crap he spews daily. He will tell some stories about how Opie disrespected his crazy girlfriend (a story I understand from Opie's perspective now) He will rant about FBI crime stats and other crap he read on Stormfront, but he will avoid and/or deny the reality of stories about his firing, his creeping in NYC prior to his beating, Sue Lightning, his horrible work ethic at XM and everything else he blocks people on twitter for bringing up. I look forward to your Amazon reviews. Does Amazon show actual sales on their site? Can we get them from the publisher? I would love to see the stats as they come out. I predict a few hundred sales right away and then an immediate dumping of the book.

I’d let Sue hum Quiets song in my ear.


I wish you'd listen to the hum of his rifle barrel.


Let's just say someone gets a hold of this book, and PDFs it... what would be the best distribution method?

Just curious.

Megaupload via a VPN, I'd say.

Anthony Cumia:Snake Eater


fuck she is fine

Dimitris Martin has fallen so far...

Sue lightman is playing dress up as Quiet from the last metal gear game. He probably got confused with the amount Anthony kept repeating the phrase "keep it quiet".