How do you think Cumia came up with that total subscription number?

3  2018-07-17 by Lies_and_Propaganda

What was it 100k subscribers he said? There’s just literally no way from the views his shit gets that it’s even 1/10 of that.

At first I thought maybe he’s counting everyone who has ever subscribed, I mean maybe when Gavin was on there it was close to that many, but I’m not sure how 100k high schooler contrarians acting conservative managed to get their parents credit card.

Then I thought maybe they’re counting people who resubscribed or whom signed up multiple times because the system they use to create accounts sucks and they’re retarded.

Finally I realized who gives a shit, he’s clearly lying as Ant can’t even get 5k views on any video from anyone from compound. There’s just no way even at its peak number of subscribers there were more than 20k.

Ant is clearly projecting every time he uses the word obscurity on Twitter, I mean seriously 2-3k views per video of his main show, which is the most popular on the network, those are not even F-List numbers. Those are like: sort of popular kid in a medium sized midwestern city making shitty rap videos numbers.


He took the number of years he abandoned his mother and added 99995

So this is a $7 million dollar a year operation huh?

he took the total view count of all CPM vids

Joe Rogan gets a minimum of 500,000 views on pretty much every podcast. He has 2 million subs so 25% view his show at the minimum. Let’s say Anthony is getting 2500 views on each episode that would mean he has 10,000 subs on the very high side

Sometimes those cumia boys lie

And some of those views are from people watching through loopholes, the absolute state of that network is hilarious.

Ant saying 100,000 subs is equivalent to rappers flashing stacks of cash and expensive cars in their videos but have never made a single penny off of music.

I remember an episode his first month back in 2014 where he said he had around 80,000, which could have been true. That steam lasted at most 2 - 3 months before everyone complaining it got stale

I bought a subscription for a few months but cancelled because the app sucked and i was only listening to a show or two a week. If he's counting all subs he ever had he may have had 100k total.