Sacha baron Cohen show being shilled is a psyop trying to make anti-gun political stances seem practical and funny

0  2018-07-17 by RahShieWoo

Today on jim and sam someone speculated they where promoting sacha baron coehns show. I then listened to the last 30 minutes of the show and it was gross. And jim even was ahead of everyone promoting it telling sarah palin to lay low for a while because she was punked last week.Sam was jerking off sacha baron cohen so much.

the show sucked compared to the tight quick humor of borat and bruno. Trying to make 1 percent vs 99 percent a stupid thing goyim you can't change it goyim. The show was too reddity. I got angry at the dialogue about the dolphin sex. I liked when they where reading an email sacha baron cohen sent to sarah palin about being hit with a "bullshit grenade". Thats about it as far as the tight fast borat kind of humor. Not biased pandering . Then there was the bit about arming 3 year olds. That kind of shit is obvious anti gun propaganda. I also hate how they think is not the most clickbait nonsense horseshit. This is not just an ad for the show its trying to make anti-gun political stances seem practical.

They did the same thing with the shithead director from the room movie with james franco.


patrice explained it the (((best))) theyll let you get famous as long as you (((pay))) the price

(((The Beast)))

Why would anyone make such an effort to turn the minds of what, 5000 regular listeners?

No people are saying it is all over reddit and social media.

Did you read what I wrote?

Yes. But they may be paid to do this and that would just be payola. The point is to get people to watch the show and the show itself has anti-gun propaganda.

They pass it around on the social media they have been data mined to be s part of from metrics from the jim and sam audience.advertized to and then it becomes through the people they have duped into thinking this is counter-culture or something they fucking buy into making patriots being made a fool of by an israli jew. And thats just this little show. Black mirror the dyke unfunny cunt comedian how many examples you want?

If you read what you wrote, does it make sense?

Yes. It is trying to emotionally manipulate people with making guns a political topic. The right to bear arms is not something that is a political topic.Its a right of being an American.

Its a funny bit but at the expense of a demographic they are trying to makes sense in the way I wrote it bit by bit But basically my gripe is They belittle conspiracy or even hillary clinton being crooked with truthbrary the mock fake website of one of the carechters. The fake media uses shooting events false flags inside jobs as well as pile on random non-inside job shit. All for only a few goals recently. lock down on censorship and reduce gun rights. Then on the same media matrix they are making bits about how dangerous guns are on this fake show. Its not funny when they have to do false flags and censorship and consensus cracking and shill and bot their way through the fake things that they use to limit the masses. Fuck this show

Haha, what patriots?

Did you understand that screed of shit?

I did not

To translate it you need an English to Alex jones translator.


Politics is fucking bleeding into everything it’s nauseating


I'm an NRA member who is as pro gun as you can get, but he got those idiots to go on camera saying three year olds should have guns. Thats on them for being so gullible and stupid. Also it's hilarious.

He is painting gun enthusiasts with a broad brush and making an argument based off of manipulating you with having kids hold them and call magazines lunch boxes. It also the basis of the bit itself is that something needs to be done about the crooked School shootings that emotionally manipulate you to make owning a firearm a thing to be politically on the table as something you as a fucking NRA member do not want to be changed.The right to own a gun is not a political talking point to be moved around based on feelings and manipulation. Duping people into doing things is how they are trying to take the guns.

Its a fucking comedy show dude. Nothing will be changed because of it, the only point he made is that some politicians are idiots, and that kindergarteners shouldn't have guns. Whooptydoo. Nobody on either side is changing their minds on the 2nd ammendment over this. If you can get suckered into saying 3 year olds need guns you deserve to be made to look stupid on tv, regardless of whatever else your politics are.

This instance does not matter but say it catches on and a few years if you think outside the box they will say you are acting like one of the carecthers in this show.

You are already acting as stupid as one of those “characters”. Too bad you’re a nobody or you could be on the show. In conclusion you’re just another dumb cumia-type

I don’t know where to even start with this point of view. The whole basis of Borat, Ali G, Bruno etc well all the people he parodies is to portray THE stereotypical persona of what people perceive them to be. And then drag in people who are well known to either A: make them feel awkward or B: make them look foolish.

In this case he picked on NRA peeps. And made them look insanely stupid.

Your logic that your not allowed to mock the right to bare arms is about as ludicrous as it is in the muzzy world that your cannot poke fun at Allah.

Um the truth isn't biased sweety. Nice try.

Giving teachers and students guns has been a mainstream talking point of the pro-gun side of the argument for a few years at least.

The gun thing was a 1/3rd of the show? The Bernie stuff didn't do as well but that and his ott liberal character was another 1/3rd and then there was the non politically charged stuff.

I liked how the right would call the left snowflakes & safe spacers. But it seems they are just as bad

Wow, you really did completely the opposite of what was intended with this post, OP.

To translate it you need an English to Alex jones translator.