Not seeing a resemblance...

157  2018-07-17 by zuckmydick


Side bar

Speaking of such, can we remove a lot of pro norton images in the sidebar

I will not let you SJWs try to erase history by removing monuments to controversial historical figures

My Xbox one headset keeps cutting out in my left ear the further I scroll down on the home screen menu. It's not the mic either, as I tried it with another mic and it does the same thing. I also can't hear people in parties, any help?

Is your Xbox plugged in?



Chip has evolved

This is exact. He never introduced the glasses in the cartoon or the comic-con interviews. He scrunches his face in a way in the chip podcast constantly and when he can't think of something to say as chip he morphs his face into the jerky boy logo. This is fucking pathetic jim.

I can imagine someone thinking they thought of a line they heard like "laurel and hardley". But this is almost intentional and thats what pisses me off about it its trash. Chip as an random thing to go into was one thing. This is something he pretends to be possessed by.

This hard hitting analysis delivers.

He wore hats in the Comic-Con videos. Did the hats anger and upset you then as much as they do now?

The jerky boys resemblance is what makes me angry,

the fact that Jimmy acts like chip is some sort of alternate personality is awful, especially since Colin correctly identified that Chip is just Jimmy in his truest form

Norton is a hack faggot.

A prop comic hack. The lowest lifeform in standup.

Most of his peers found success in the business and went on to star in movies or tv shows. Jim Norton is a 50 year old cuck who does morning zoo show with a former intern and then spends the rest of the day shopping for hats for a hacky premise podcast that has long outlived its welcome.

Call the coroner lol

PrEP Comic Hack


u/TheRealJimNorton comment?

I don't think he will. Anybody think he'll comment?

sigh it's a tough one

Man, being 11 and playing ToeJam & Earl while listening to this was great

Being 11 and playing ToeJam and Earl was great by itself. Hell, being 11, or playing ToeJam and Earl was pretty good.

I played a gamed called toejam and earl with my Uncle Paul

The first is a underrated classic but the second, oof

Sheesh, idk guys it's a tough one..


Oof indeed! You have oofed 2 time(s).

I am a bot. Comment ?stop for me to stop responding to your comments.

Can we stop saying ‘chip is opie’ now?


It never was. Once people on here theorized about it, the worm started to cater to the people. Another sad attempt to be liked by old dino head.

Chip was always, obviously, Jim's first comedic instinct. He turned it into a character for plausible deniability about his hackiness. His high-level instincts revolve around trannies, suicide, cum, and gassers.

Reminder: The Jerky Boys invented glasses.

Poor Missy. You thought your unwanted appearances on that dumb podcast would make you famous. You're a fired shock jock's prostitute, that's all.

Oh, you're one of those hip and cool dudes who thinks the podacast sucks? Go watch Workaholics

Even though Workaholics also sucks, you look like a moron trying to put the two shows in the same category. Chip jumped the shark and should have been retired long ago. Proof it's in the toilet now is filling an empty mic with Anthony's unfunny, turtle faced whore.

Same category? No, I'm saying you obviously have a shit sense of humor, so something like Workaholics or Adam Ruins Everything is more your speed.

Oh no, every episode of Chip isn't perfect. Waaa waaaa!

Show us your pussy, bitch. And no, I don't mean Anthony.

How about Anthony jerks off a boy invented into a girl.

A boy invented into a girl?

Is your golddigging ass afraid of getting sent back to obscurity when Ant finally becomes true to himself and trades you in for a hot tranny?

What does "invented into" mean?

holy shit, you guys are fuckin dumb.

" Its not a rip off of jerky boys, I genuinely mean that. I would tell you if it was but its not."

" I'm not good enough at being a hack to rip-off the Jerky Boys "

“I guess they’re still stealing...”

Stolen Hackor

Chip is his crowning achievement too

Anyone have the clip of him talking about it?

Someone tweet this to Opie

Being 11 and playing ToeJam and Earl was great by itself. Hell, being 11, or playing ToeJam and Earl was pretty good.

Same category? No, I'm saying you obviously have a shit sense of humor, so something like Workaholics or Adam Ruins Everything is more your speed.

Oh no, every episode of Chip isn't perfect. Waaa waaaa!

The first is a underrated classic but the second, oof