Does Anyone Actually Like Opie?

0  2018-07-16 by peak_chadposting

Does anyone unironically like Opie? He’s never said anything even remotely funny and it’s obvious he is a highly insecure beta male with a low iq and no charisma. I have to give him credit for being financially successful but the show would have been insufferable without Jim Norton and Anthony Cumia.


His podcast is alright, nothing special but I’d argue it’s better than Khumya and Jim’s bullshit

What do you like about his podcast? Maybe I’m missing something but I have never understood why people like him.

It’s just him and Carl mostly talking about random shit, there aren’t any fake laughs or obsession over the old O&A days, he says a couple funny things every now and then.

I enjoyed how he would fuck with callers, bring in the retards like Lady Di and Bobo, and when he would be a dick to those shitty guests that called in to promote their books (Cuss Control guy, YouTube Rainbow guy, Tucker Max, etc)

Opie is so much better with Carl. He takes all of Carls shit with a laugh instead of getting defensive or pissy. Carl makes Opie seem child like with the things he does...which in turn, kinda makes Opie a likeable douche. It's not popular opinion but Opie and Carl fucking around for a podcast is pretty amusing...

He's said a few funny things here and there, he was the one who gave the freaks the time of day (so without him we'd have no Bobo) and he pushed things in funny way sometimes like with Bernie Goetz. 'Like' is a strong word when it comes to The Opester but I can honestly say I don't completely hate his guts 100%.

I don’t hate him either but I never understood the appeal. Good point about the freaks though +1

One can almost think like that, if you haven't listened to the show for a couple of years and your memory became a bit clouded and you try to remember those rare occasions.

Then try to listen to old shows and it's right back to 100 % annoyance level, baby :P

i kind of liked "opie the destroyer" back in the day. Now he's a useless shitbag tho, his show is impossible to listen to.

Spent 12hr in the car last night/this morning. Tuned into 103 for the first time in about a year. Listened to best of Covino and Rich, Best of Ellis, Friday’s Jim & Sam, And today’s Jim and Sam....Opie s podcast is FAR better than anything on 103 right now. Jim and Sam was alright for the first hour, before Sam showed up. Still awful though.

The whole channel needs to be canceled

I actually find his podcast to be enjoyable. The O&A days are over and never coming back.

Opie seems like an asshole friend, was blah on the radio for the most part (i agreed he steered the ship, and probably put in way more work than nana or worm)

But compared to the legit atrocities nana has been outed doing.

Opie seems like a pretty ok guy. Low bar i know.

The only thing he ever did that made me laugh was when he hung up on celebrities. Otherwise he was absolute garbage and any hack radio guy could do what he did. Too bad for Norton and Cumia that everyone in the industry had the good sense to stay away from those unstable faggots.