TACS 657 Fake News: Landau said he gave clothes to Good Will

0  2018-07-16 by Ceneibrie

He only GETS clothes from Good Will


In reality he doesn't even find these t-shirts in a cool or ironic way, he just shops the local Target/Walmart at the "Cool Dads" rack. Nothing edgy or genuine looking when the logos are immaculate and I can see the "new shirt" creases in HD. At least Ant gave up completely, Landau should follow.


dude, I was in goodwill last week. I scored a glenn gould cd for $2 and two glasses for a $1 each.

I bought some shirts at Salvation Army and got bedbugs.

You deserve that for shopping at the fucking Salvation Army. Fucking bum.

Lesson learned.

Wow, what else did you do last week?!

got a haircut, went to Costco to pick up some supplies, watched The Witch on amazon (I really enjoyed it), did some laundry...The usual.

Sounds cool.

He sucked 27 dicks last week.

They put his wife's donations in the bedding department