Nice teeth, stupid

110  2018-07-16 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Does he think that snarling look he uses as his avatars is intimidating?

He's trying to smile but because of the dentures it always looks like he's mean mugging for the camera or really, really gay.

Replace the microphone with sue’s wang

Looks like Sue is already digging out his asshole.

we're really grasping at straws now aren't we


doin' the lords work.

I wish Nana’s grandfather was still around so he could break Nana’s teeth.

Give him some more ammunition!

they're as fake as his hair color. can't dye them brows can ya?

There's nothing he can do to win the fans back at this point.

I'd accept a full confession of his pedophilia followed by suicide

Fair enough.

Are you kidding? Remember this faggot sub going "ANTHONY'S BACK" when he did a 5 minute video on the street pretending to be Opie?

His smile is clenched tèeth. He clenches his fist a lot as well. This indicates he's dying of a neurological disease in my medical opinion. That or he is wearing a buttplug.


You see, that's interesting

All the beer every night and no brushing.. not surprising.

We won't even get into the man cum.

he keeps them in a glass next to his bed

In both cases they are not real teeth

It was the first thing I noticed.


What's his next 'make me pretty' operation?

Please God, explode his stents already.

I love how his eyebrows are gray but his hair color is soy sauce brown. Yea real believable idiot.

Joe Sr spent the dentist money on a dune buggy.

Let's be fair: Those choppers are MUCH better than Boy Gary's. His are much too big for his mouth. Anthony's are appropriately sized and are also that nice, realistic, mother-of-pearl color that resembles real teeth and not the phosphorescent white that makes you look like you sucked a dick in Chernobyl.


The bottom teeth are the same size as the top... Wow