papa john's offering 400 years of free pizza if you subjugate and abuse your black acquaintances in front of a store manager

0  2018-07-16 by -2017


We get it, you frequent terrible subs full of unfunny people

haha yeah ur pretty clever

we're really standing in the shadows of a comedic genius

and sometimes you're even thinker with novel, interesting thoughts

Doesn't make that less of a pathetic, garbage attempt at a joke. Kick rocks, faggot.

it's just ironic you, of all the people on this sub, is trying to be a critic of anything funny when you're operating on facebook-tier boomer humor

Don't be salty, little queer boy, I'm sure the other painfully bland people trying to be edgy at that hack sub think you're hilarious.

another hit sent from the iphone of a forida retirement home resident.

Kick rocks, faggot.

Imagine having so little of your own individual identity that you have to copy catch phrases you hear from a subreddit devoted to two pedophiles and a human sloth.

All you do is xpost shit from another sub to this place you redundant bag of shite. Where's your originality?

Pizza! Pizza!

Who the fuck are you?

your superior

Brand new account... What was the last name you posted here under?

Go away, you pile of dog cock.