The Deep End | Anthony Cumia's Demented World: Part 3

293  2018-07-15 by BeigeFrequency


youre going to make nana cry and i love you for it

That might be hard. Historically he's known for not crying very often.

probably had his tear ducts removed for skin graphs for his pox riddled cheeks

You know he's just fuming right now. He'll tweet all night to relieve stress. The pock marked cave dwelling villain.

Lawdy lawd, Christmas has come early this year.


Great factual content as always. I do wish you added Ron's bashing of Keith's blunders and blabbing of their negotiations.

Also, if you put a cheap moving blanket over your head to record your VOs, it will dampen and take out that light echo. Completely serious. It's what networks use to record VOs in the field.

Thanks for the tip about the blanket. I'll try to use it next time.

It would have been interesting to include the Ron bit but it's hard to keep track of all the pieces. .

No doubt. You do an excellent job keeping up with the timeline as it is.

If you start broadcasting with a sheet over your head you'll be no better than Ant.

I'm white, though.

Do u know if there's any audio of Ron slamming that nitwit chauffeur for behaving like a fucking fool during their negotiations?

Yeah, I am very interested in this too.

Yes. He talked about it on Ant's show on his first appearance after he re signed with SiriusXM and on the Bennington Show. I don't have the dates unfortunately.

I love you autists.

I love you both

I love you both

I agree with this one

I love you both

Here we go baby. I've been waiting.

Very good, lots of deep stuff in there, like some of the Lobster Girl audio clips that were in danger of being forgotten.

It's pathetic how much I've been anticipating this.


100% Italian intro? Holy fucking shit. These keep getting better and better.

Your impression of porsalin's impression of Matarese is spot on.

Wait that wasn't Porselain? I thought they did a collaboration lol

Not limey enough

Thanks. I was worried that I over shot and accidentally sounded more like Joe Matarese than porsalin's impression.

He does these impersonations of Anthony at the Jay Oakerson Roast. I swear, you would think it's the real people.

Mother fucker threw in a casual 'endless days and sleepless night's' you magnificent son of a bitch.

I didnt catch it, know the approx time?


What's this in reference to?

Send your love my way I'm sure we'd have a fine romance

Those lyrics are just so fucking bad.

I can't wait for the next one.

Your retelling of the roast jokes was my favorite part.

I only became a fan of Opie and Anthony in 2013 through YouTube so all of that Lobster Girl stuff was weird to hear about.

That's what Anthony said destroyed o and a's relationship? That opie didn't show enough respect to his girlfriend who was just some random caller that came in a sucked an interns cock? Jesus fucking christ, just when you think that faggot can't be any more hatable

Which faggot? Both are hateable.

Anthony this particular time. These two are like Itchy & Scratchy on who can outfag the other.

Can you do an Opie's Demented World?

Which one of Anthony's sleeveless ballwashers are you?

Fuck off.

I Frank, I install pool heaters.

The news footage isn't lost?!

I found part of it. Maybe I'll post it later.

100% Italian? Nigga, you're a US citizen who lives here you dumb fucking guinea.

Upvote even bough I have not watched it yet. I will make time when I am shitting tonight

Ditto. Auto upvote and cued up for my Sunday night viewing, fuck HBO.

A sunday of Sharp Objects & Dull Racists

when you put all of anthonys trash in one place it sure piles high.

fuck brother joe. im more excited for that episode than I should be

Most likely because Brother Joe is guaranteed to respond to it.

lol at getting Porsalin's permission to use Joe Matarese's likeness. Joe's wife's lawyers are going to have their hands tied with that one.

Dementia World

Sir, you're putting your autism for good use. God Bless.

Your rendition of Ant's horrific roast set made me physically angry. Thank you for your service. Also the Matarese intro was fucking A1.

Weaponized autism at its finest. Thank you for your service, sir.

I want to hear more about the pests having orgies. u/PatBattle1, comment?

It was something that kept coming up in relation to lobster girl. Supposedly spaz and some fans who frequented one of the first message boards had an orgy. The references were all pretty similar but still more or less hearsay. I don't know enough early O&A to vet the story and the story didn't have the relevance to mention in the video beyond a quick quip.

Bobby Wilson would have hit a grand slam...

Let's go Joe

It's coming soon.

Not for nothing but I keep hearing he was dishonourably discharged from the air force for thievery.

This is downright scholarly.

Nicely done. I always like your matter-of-fact delivery of insulting lines. Here, “founder of the militant white nationalist group, the Proud Boys” gave me great joy.

Thanks a lot

It’s hard for me to sit still to watch a 2 min clip. But I sat through this masterpiece at my kitchen table while my chef boyardee was getting cold. Incredible work, dude

what a nice little treat for a Sunday evening. A smoke, a whiskey, pizza, and time to watch this.

I had pizza rolls and watch it in my mom’s basement just because.

Is part four gonna be the finale? How long until its released?

No. There will probably be at least 5 parts in total. I think the "story" will end with Ant threatening to shut down the sub after the fiasco with his mom's obituary. We'll see.

Time wise, I don't know. Hopefully I will finish part 4 faster than part 3. A lot of the information has already been compiled thanks to people like tefft pattern. I just have to figure out how to arrange the narrative threads properly, so it isn't a purely chronological retelling of events. Otherwise it would hard to follow in a video format.

God Bless you my friend.

Think big, brother. This could be an 8 parter if he lives long enough.

> Ant threatening to shut down the sub after the fiasco with his mom's obituary. We'll see.


And Dave Smith...

Got the nigga ribs hurtin to-day

Guy in a suit looks one way, Mouthbreathin Joe looks the other way and Dave Smith is in the middle saying “Whaddaya want from me?”

So wait... A tenga egg put him in jail?

This is so much deeper than I wanted to go...

No, you put your dick into it...

Then what are the batteries for?

Well, that's interesting...

Now I wanna hear the big jay roast bomb again...

"Aside from Colin Quinn, Dennis Falcone, and Scorch, few other individuals have managed to gather the same level of respect as Ronnie B." Fucking smartass.

"The pack of wolves he raised" was my favorite part.

You're retelling of the roast jokes were masterful. I lost it at 'lotta white people.' ThIs will be better than his book.

Agreed. Completely captured the cringe worthiness and lack of depth of his “jokes”.

This is a brilliant summary of that little sniveling ugly cunt's life... The whole lot of them were/are such hypocrites.

Great work.

9am monday morning and my week has already peaked

Can't wait for part 4 with Joe and his court show!

I went through this twice already. At first I thought you were derailing the timeline a bit. But you did a great job of breaking down why you were switching gear, and everything came around full circle. You do a great job of making this serious while providing a lot of levity too. Awesome work, brotha man! Maybe I'll toss some shekels your way.

Props to the clip of Anthony's attorney towards the end btw.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. The attorney clip is actually from this video, which is top 3 funniest O&A related videos I've ever seen.

Lol that vid has more views than Ant has Twitter followers

That musical tits girl is autistic and has cut them off since.


Will you be putting out the entirety of this epic once compelled?

Proud Boys militant white nationalist? They're the worst type of civic nationalist "I'm not racist" milktoast fags out there. White nationalist would actually be an upgrade for those queers.

That's the joke. Also, its milquetoast, and its origin is a wimpy character's last name, not the bland meal of milk and toast. Basically, what I'm saying to you, Joe Cumia, is kill yourself.

There is a funny old timey one panel Christmas comic of that milquetoast character - i hope Pixar picks up the rights at some point.

"Joe Cumia" says the frequent poster to The Donald. Nice projection, stupid. You sure you're not a faggot Proud Boy yourself? No wonder you got so bothered by an inane comment.

I was banned from the donald I think before the primaries were done for saying the subreddit was getting ruined by moderator replacement because they went from funny White men in charge to jewish women and BAAAAAAAAASED non-Whites in baseball hats and were banning a bunch of interesting discussions because they were getting TRIGGERED. That place is a co-opted piss stain.

Don't be gay, I'm on your side, you're just a bit of a dummy, is all.

You, sir, are the great observer and philosopher of this community.

I wanted to hate this so bad, but I cracked up when you laughed while trying to deliver the line "pockfaced Batman villain".

Well done you rapscallion.

Ive never heard that negative feedback loop thing before, it is crazy how much of a textbook case of that Anthony is, he went along with jokes and stayed on the side of the fans, but the more his personal frustrations became a part of it the more the audience became the enemy and he lost it completely.

Im only halfway through but great job as always

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:

The term "Cleveland Steamer" got its name from Chuck Norris, when he took a dump while visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and buried northern Ohio under a glacier of fecal matter.

Kill yourself faggot

Damn.... I still love Cumia , but holy shit this makes him look worse then he already did. Bravo to the guy making these. Even I can’t ball wash Cumia on this shit

Your new whispery delivery is awful, it sounded like you didn't want mom in the next room to hear you.

dude that dick spray clip, I had a realization at that point. All those hours bashing Scorch for the brutal topics, lack of self awareness and douche chill moments - years down the line and Ant is the exact manifestation of Scorch. I don't know if other people have noticed this, it just kind of occured to me at that clip - if you read the script of that dialogue it would slide in tremendously between Sibby & Scorch.

It's because Scorch presented himself as if he were a talk show host on par with Letterman, even though he was broadcasting out of the back of a Chinese restaurant. You can see that same delusion with Anthony, only he wants to be Carson. They're both so incompetent that they come across more like Tommy Wiseu

I enojy that generic Moroccan/Tunisian/Persian music bed playing throughout..a subtle nod to the paternal Cumio's heritage. Vurry good sir.

Just watched em all,Good shit.

This is superb, hard-hitting journalism. I hope it won’t be too much of a tangent to include some coverage of Kuhn/People’s Court in future installments?


You are doing the Lord's work.

so technically youre screenwriting; is this project something that can support a drama screenplay basis for a phase two? is that something you have experience with?

so technically youre screenwriting;

I suppose that's true, in a way. I have no background in writing before I started making videos, so I really don't know if it could be adapted into drama. That would be hilarious to watch though.

"...guest Jeff Abraham and his dick spray"

You got a spit take

"...guest Jeff Abraham and his dick spray"

You got a spit take

Man, that part where he's chasing Dani around the living room is frightening. The way he's acting is some shining shit. These documentaries really highlight what a piece of shit he is. This isn't a case of this sub trolling or being dicks. He's a legit monster.

So, according to him...Anthony intentionally hid the gun from Dani because she was "mentally unstable", but keeps bringing up the missing gun to her because...?

It's as riveting as The World at War. Bravo ! Burp

Never mind the inconsistencies. The main point is that this will drive Anthony into a frenzy.

Laughing at that pock marked comment was the best part.

We all know he has more than enough free time due to his nocturnal loneliness rituals, if Ant actually had the guts to watch this anthology he could see step by step where he objectively went wrong and wind it all back. But nope, he's going to slowly continue to bleed out more of his life savings as her marches toward a cold, friendless grave. * Reading Rainbow stinger *

I really did forget just how embarrassing so much of this shit was. When you read his roast word for word it made me want to crawl out of my skin. Has Anthony ever spoken into a microphone before? Jesus Christ, that was abysmal.

Then there's dick cream guy. Anthony literally sounds like a Sunday morning infomercial host. His made up scenario about getting with a girl and rubbing that shit on your cock made me want to vomit. Anthony is such a phony cornball.

And I don't mean to beat a dead horse but Anthony really is uncomfortable to look at. Not even because he is unattractive. He's just such a nervous, jittery, bug-eyed mess. When incompetent Keith was describing the Ron Bennington disaster, Anthony could not sit the fuck still if his life depended on it. He's jerking around, shaking, nervously twitching like he has Turrets. And this was 3 or 4 years ago. He's so much worse now. This fucker thought he was going to land some Fox News gig? Where they hire literal models to repeat lines written for them? Get the fuck out of here.

These videos really made me take a step back and remember what a disaster Anthony and everyone from O&A has become.

Got Ayn Rand's ribs hurtin today

Thank you, beige frequency. Great work. Can I ask you, though, do you believe that cumia battered danni? It's always read to me like she was faking that he hit her and that her injuries were self inflicted. Did she actually have a broken rib in the end? Also, where did the gun end up being?

Thanks a million for this docu-series. You have a great eye for picking the most relevant and digest able bits of this thirty year saga.

This shit is amazing 10/10

I've watched this 3 times already. I find it hilarious when you couldn't help but laugh as you were telling Ant's terrible roast jokes.

No. There will probably be at least 5 parts in total. I think the "story" will end with Ant threatening to shut down the sub after the fiasco with his mom's obituary. We'll see.

Time wise, I don't know. Hopefully I will finish part 4 faster than part 3. A lot of the information has already been compiled thanks to people like tefft pattern. I just have to figure out how to arrange the narrative threads properly, so it isn't a purely chronological retelling of events. Otherwise it would hard to follow in a video format.