(unofficial) Opie Radio Podcast Ep 21 - Yachtcast "Thunderstruck... Yeah Yeah Yeah!" analysis

53  2018-07-15 by dhort13

Listening to the episode that dropped Wednesday so no one else has to, hopefully including a break for the usual guy who’s been killing it for us with the play-by-play.

· The 2nd part of the Yachtcast opens with jokes about Opie’s podcast equipment. Matt Farah senses Greggshells under foot and congratulates Opie on the BBQ episode with the old hillbilly telling corny jokes.

· Opie asks Farah to talk about his background. Opie and Carl shame him for being a rich boy. Opie seizes the opportunity to complain that about his car in high school, the Dodge Aspen wagon with a metal wire holding the doors closed. Carl: “You could have killed everybody!” Opie: “Bro, it was the 80s!”

· Not to be outdone, Carl describes his first car, a 1987 Audi. Carl describes his crushing of ladies in it as “a Ruiz fingerfest” and says he was making $50K/year in high school.

· Opie: “I’ll tell you last summer I drove … I’ll say it and I don’t know where this is going to go, but that’s the beauty of this … I drove a Tesla…” Extended talk about self-driving cars - Opie interjects his experiences from driving his family around in the Tesla for a week.

· Carl gets bored and says he’s going on deck. They all go out. Opie screams at people on the other boats passing by, to the embarrassment of his crew.

· Sopranos boat talk. Opie: “I haven’t watched Sopranos for a while. You guys talk, I’m going to throw a lure in.”

· Farah asks Opie what it was like to know Patrice. Farah says one of his favorite Patrice bits is the “mailroom ho who thinks they are CEO because they’ve been there for a month.” Opie: “I think he got that material from doing our radio show. TRUST me.”

· Opie wipes clam he’s using as bait all over the boat and on Farah’s towel, loffs

· Vintage Opie Remembered: writing messages in the sand and the “Keep your head on a swivel” viral video. Opie: “You remember that, when everyone was backstabbing me?”

· Things get slow but Carl comes to the rescue with more fingering stories, including mining toilet paper from his lady’s asshole and wiping it on her dress.

· The boys crack Zimas (“Zim Zims”)

· Vintage Opie Remembered: The Destroyer peed on a guest’s book. Farah adds gleefully “Jimmy would go in the other room and call in,” realizes he has smashed Greggshells and quickly back-pedals: ”… it was before the characters got way out of control and not funny.” Opie blurts “What was this? Wha Wha What was [Farah] saying?” pretending he didn’t hear the story. Carl urges Farah to move on. They escape by congratulating Opie on the time he treated Don McLean like shit.

· Watch collector talk. Carl has stories. He bought watches to hide money from his wife and gave them to his boys. His pals wanted him to be the spotter for their watch-stealing ring.

· Car collector talk

· HUGE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT. Opie sings: “We got our first sponsor. Oh yeeeah Oh yeeeah! We got our first sponsor. Oh yeeeeah Oh yeeeah!”

· Opie plugs his sponsor, an online therapy service, using various funny voices. “I’ve been using them off and on for the last few days and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.” Use the promo code to get $45 off your first month.

· Vintage Opie Remembered: Opie reminds Farah to ask him about Bernie Goetz. Opie recalls smashing Goetz’s CD while he was in studio and how it almost got him shot.

· Deep Pearl Jam concert talk. Opie says he’d get the set list ahead of time and yell out the name of the song before they played it, to ruin the show for everyone else.

· Documentary talk - Rush, Pearl Jam, Price Is Right, Bottled Water, lots of Dear Zachary

· The episode closes with a slice at Farah’s favorite pizza joint

Rating: Barely Seaworthy/10


Opie: “You remember that, when everybody was backstabbing me?”

Nobody backstabbed you, you dumbfuck. Holy shit this man still makes me irrationally angry.

Gregg's revised history, it's bloody Gregg's revised history!


noun 1. the action or practice of criticizing someone in a treacherous manner while feigning friendship.

Hm...You know I'd back up Opie and say you were wrong but having listened to Opie for long enough, theres no way he knows the word actually means that, so fuck him

Same, everyone who was saying Jim and Ant are queens because "they can't let it go, and Opie is off doing his thing and ignoring them!" can eat a sack of dicks. He's still as pissed off as ever and we all know he hears the shit they do and say about him and gets madder.

Antknee and the Worm are awful, but Gregg will always be the worst.

Tits didnt piss on that book, he poured water on it.

"I haven't watched sopranos in a while"


The View.

Something, Something, Kardashians.

I love Matt Farrah, but I can't believe he's "friends" with Tits.

Never heard of him tobehonestwitcha

Never heard of him tobehonestwitcha

Dude, your Reddit crapped out. What were you trying to say?


His first sponsor is an online pay-to-talk talk therapy service. Wow.

I can’t believe his promo code gives $45 dollars off your first MONTH?! How much is this crap normally??

I just looked it up, I believe the sponsor was "spacetalk online therapy" which is 45$/wk so that's like what? About 150$ a month, 1800$ a year

With decent insurance, real therapy is cheaper.

If anyone needs that service, it's Opie.

the Dodge Aspen Wagon was only made from 1976-1980, Opie was born in 1963 which means he would have graduated in 1980. Opie is complaining that his 'poor' parents bought him a new car to drive to high school. Also he only went to high school for a few months in the 80's so his “Bro, it was the 80s!” reeks of vanity an gerascophobia, Opie is a self absorbed lying piece of shit.

Probably graduated in 81 but either way the car was no more than 3-5 years old when he had it. Really slumming it. That's like a high schooler complaining about driving a 2015 today.

He doesn’t call them Zim Zims. Please, tell me he doesn’t.

It’s a Carl thing

Am I the only one that doesn't even know what those are?

Zima was very popular in the early to mid 90's and they brought it back. To the best of my understanding, it was the hard lemonade of its day.

One thing these play-by-plays really spell out is how unable to direct the conversation or delve deep into a subject Opie is.   *”· Vintage Opie Remembered: writing messages in the sand and the “Keep your head on a swivel” viral video. Opie: “You remember that, when everyone was backstabbing me?”

· Things get slow but Carl comes to the rescue with more fingering stories”*   Dude can’t even keep the interest when talking about one of the most pivotal parts of his career

Thank you for your service. I'll be back on Wednesday if Opie bothers to upload something.

The pearl jam story has to be true it's definitely not made upm

can you time stamp to " Vintage Opie Remembered: The Destroyer peed on a guest’s book. Farah adds gleefully “Jimmy would go in the other room and call in,” realizes he has smashed Greggshells and quickly back-pedals: ”… it was before the characters got way out of control and not funny.” Opie blurts “What was this? Wha Wha What was [Farah] saying?” pretending he didn’t hear the story. "

It’s around 48:30 Leave it alone

holy fuck. what a tool

They discussed Rush?

What are the listener numbers for Tit's podcast? A few hundred maybe? Thousands?

For therapy in “Funny Voices?” Holy shit, and I thought CM was expensive

ZIM ZIM is a terrible thing to call anything.