Will Sirius cancel Jim and Sam?

2  2018-07-15 by keatnzs

Surely, this shitfest has gone on for too long. How can Sirius justify paying both Jim and Sam 6 figure salaries (when Sam admitted he is on at least 100k, I don't think if ever been so disgusted)? Surely, the time had come to let them go.


As bad as their show is, i cant help but get the sense your disgust at their salaries is related to your own poverty

I'm sure that has something to do with it. Would you pay Sam that salary if you were running Sirius?

It depends if i really cared about the company making a profit or not

When you see how much stern gets I'm pretty sure Sirius don't even notice losing the cash on all the other morning shows combined.

They do it to hold on to the O&A branding. Sam said travis will take jims spot if jim leaves. Now that would be a real shitfest.

I like Travis, but he cannot carry a show, combined with the fact Fred Roberts is the last person you'd want to bounce stuff off of.
it's unfathomably bad

A six figure salary was something to brag about 20 years ago my friend. You can make $100K a year driving a truck.

Especially in NYC

But don't try to get Podcast equipment there.

it's not going to be worth it to keep it going another year.

Jim and Sam have amazing chemistry and Managment seems happy with the direction of the show. They’re dead already and don’t even know it... Poor fuckers...

They'll still be on the air five years from now, at least.

I'm not happy about that but I'm just being realistic. Sirius management does not care. It would take the company collapsing or a nuclear device going off in Manhattan (inshallah) to get those assholes off the air.

This has been said a thousand times but the solution is to stop listening. All of you. Stop listening to this awful show.

Stop listening? What are you talking about? Who in the actual fuck is listening to Jim and Sam?

It’s unbearable, nothing about it is funny, it’s filled with commercials and plugs to nothing.

The few clips I have seen, the “highlights” would get mocked and trashed worse than Jimmy’s old tape roast they did on O&A.

I thought they did terrible too, however seeing as Saiyan Has over 200 ppl watching live when he streams it and the thousands of views the more mainstay Jim and Sam Upload channels get they might actually be doing well

Keeping kayfabe Kyle

Wtf is kayfabe?

Don't you know wrestling jargon Kyle? It's call alliteration stupid

Wrestling jargon.... faggot

Oh please you listen to Jim cornette and watch glow don't act like your unaware of that shit
