Love the Opie Radio, brotherman.

103  2018-07-15 by RBuddCumia


Asian people make me feel inadequate about everything except my penis

I can assure that your social skills are superior, even in the event of being a fat unwashed autist.

I'm only two and a half of those things...

What is the purpose of him having that apparatus?

Looks like he's playing Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go to the Polls right voters? I don’t feel no ways tired haha I keeps my hot sauce in my purse like all you super predators. - Hillary


Yes, this is a pro-hillary subreddit.

You didn't trigger anything you're just boring and also a fag.

I swear to god you call me fag one more time I will suck your cock

You are very unfunny sir.

This is going great.

Hillary is irrelevant and so are you

Viral Spiral support staff

This poor guy just got banned from twitter 30,000 times. :(