He really thinks he’s the new Krauthammer, though he writes like pseudo-intellectual version of Scorch.

36  2018-07-14 by RBuddCumia


Every night before i go to sleep, i thank God that my dad never got into twitter like a faggot

The way he thinks that caps lock gives his dumb opinions some kind of gravitas is really annoying. He’s a fat titted retard.


"Immigrants are a cancer." -Joe Cumia

I guess we can't say he never said anything intelligent anymore.

Krauthammer did something with his life, despite being a cripple.

Anthony is able bodied and relies on everyone else to do shit for him, from clean his house to run his quickly dwindling paywall podcast.

Krauthammer was a zionist neocon who spouted incomprehensible gobbledygook to white gentile boomers who needed to feel assured that their sons and nephews going to Iraq were doing so to "spread democracy" and not for anything to do with Israel. both of his parents were internationalist ethnic jewish Zionists. if you still consider this dude as an intellectual or 'thought leader' you are a con-job victim and the type of person he and his friends and family talked about like a commodity

nonsense. one day they just have to move their culture out of the area because it's being ravaged by crime and filth that surrounded their government buildings.

The difference is that Joe is mentally handicapped, not physically.

Instead of saying “this is ugly” tell us why. Give us your reasoning for such a claim. All people do these days I’d say this is stupid or that’s not good. Then when asked to explain themselves they usually crumble due to not having an opinion based on logic instead of emotion.

Nothing to do with Joe but I just wanted to say that.


didnt joe spend like 50k of his brothers money to advesite on facebook so he can get 500$ gigs that split 4 ways?

he's still doing it.


He's not wrong.

"Unemotional," when he spends all day getting outraged and reacting to things he knows nothing about other than what his brother's fatfuck friends told him to think.

Mexicans are taking away my cowboy movies and drive ins!

We know there's no cure for Cancer Joe, that's why everyone here hopes you get it.