The waitress even hid her face from this delusional psycho

74  2018-07-14 by peopleforgetthat


he can't do anything without hiding his face from behind his phone. He really does seem to be on the spectrum.

It's genuinely not a joke that he's autistic, at the very least

And I don't think Carl's loss of patience is a joke either.

Carl is growing on me.

“What the hell are you doing? The fuck are you doing? Shut that shit off.”

Perfect tone and everything.

I actually like Carl. I hope he eventually turns on Opie and talks shit about him on Twitter

Carl's hedonistic and that makes his instagram interesting. He drinks everyday, smokes a ton of cigs, and eats mayonnaise with a spoon.

The show could actually have potential if they just made Carl the star and Opie the idiot

Carl's delivery was actually funny

You must have missed his hilarious interpretation of "when doves cry" a couple weeks back

Damn, you said waitress and delusional psycho, I figured you must have been talking about little Jimmy.

When I saw "opieradio" I thought Opie was gonna take a shot at Norton for a hot second.

ME: I'm above that petty shit brothaman shits himself in a moldering cabin

Carl's lines of dialogue in this video:

  1. "The hell you doing?"

  2. "What the fuck are you doing?"

  3. "Thank you very much" (being nice to hidden face waitress)

  4. "Shut that off"

Way to annoy the few remaining people that like you, Opie.

This really says it all. If I had a friend who was constantly, unannounced shoving a camera in my face I would continually slap the phone out of his hand until he got the point.

What if that person is paying you large amounts of money to be friends with them?

Carl is tits meal ticket. He could shit all over tits and he will have to take it. Carl is the top in this relationship.

That’s never really occurred to me but you’re right. Carl hooks him up with food and like the only guests he’s had on his shitty podcast are gay friends of Carl’s

How would you know what guests he has on his podcast? You gay or something?


I bet you would. You'd probably say something snappy like, "This ain't your show" while you were doing it.

Yuck yuck yuck snort

Would you take money to go out to eat with someone who just got fired for filming a coworker take a shit, and he's constantly trying to film you take a shit? I don't know man that's a tough one

It’s just a matter before he turns and takes the podcast from out under Ope.

nice word order, stupid

what the fuck is wrong with Gregg?

That was pretty funny though.

You're on my list now, faggot

Was it, aye?

opie thinks being funny means saying regular words in a weird way, this is what he learned after 20+ years on radio

And even then he would say them in a weird “funny” way to hide the fact he had trouble pronouncing the word to begin with. I swear to Christ I could not think of a worse person to be talking begin a live microphone than Greg Hughes.

He along with granthony seems to see no problem with taking video of strangers trying to do their job in public.


I think she thought he was filming her chest and immediately places the tray in front of her cleavage.

creeper hughes.

She felt inadequate next to Carl's and Opie's heavy bosoms

Yeah and he really did look like he was only filming her chest

Opie doesnt understand that outside of Bam & Lynsi's bedroom - him "taking a peek" at other's naughty bits is unacceptable!!

This is how retards get attention - by being weird and forcing the other person to be inquisitive.

I knew a girl in high school who would dress in a banana costume. If you asked why, she'd scream "murrrrrr!!" She's a cop, now.

48 commentsshare

unless you fucked her earhole this is a worthless comment

It's an example of somebody seeking attention in the cheapest, easiest way. And it involved bananas, which, as Opie demonstrated, are endlessly hilarious.

I was hoping this would be about It's Always Sunny...

What kind of asshole wears a hat while eating?

Balddy ones with fat natural tits.

Bald people, but also if you've been wearing a hat all day, you're going to look worse taking it off.

It's nonsense anyway, it's like saying, who wears a watch while eating. It's probably some rule an uptight aristocrat made up.

Fascinating. Good stuff. A+

Witnessing opies public downfall into insanity and degradation is hilarious

Kinda disappointed. I was hoping this was going to be the waitress Jimmy is infatuated with and she avoids taking a picture with him.

Opie's still a faggot, though.

I can't wait until Carl snaps and beats the shit out of Opie and hospitalizes him.

Carl's wearing out.

They all do, eventually

God bless him. I’ve turned the corner on the Opester. He clearly has no idea about what constitutes humor, but he somehow had a storied career as the lead name on a funny radio show. He became a millionaire without any sense of humor, family connections, or charisma. He should be a hero to unremarkable people everywhere.

I'm totally with you. He's a complete fucking idiot but at least he makes an effort. Cumia is this wildly gifted broadcaster who squandered his talent because he's lazy and selfish.

He’s a hard worker who believes in himself despite a a mountain of evidence that suggests he shouldn’t. He’s gotta wear a hat, sunglasses, and a breast compression binder indoors now because of the complex his former fans have given him, but still goes out because he’s got a world to entertain. Moreover, he knows people associate the Opie brand with humor, which isn’t the captain’s specialty, so he coordinates(and pays) a whole team of “entertainers” to try to give them what they want. Thanks, Opie. Your show has passed me by, but your example never will.

"Forrest Gump" is way better when you imagine it's about Gregg Hughes

"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to do a podcast. So I broadcast to the end of the day. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd broadcast to the end of the year."

I think you’re on to something. The Jenny/Lynsi cuck angle even works there, too.

It's only a matter of days now until Carl turns on the Opster.

The money Opie is paying Carl to be his friend may prove insufficient.

Honest to god, this Puerto Rican faggot might be one of the ugliest person’s I’ve ever seen

he's horrendous

I thought this would be Jim and his “crush”

this reminds me of when he tried to nonchalantly record Louis and Ricky in the elevator and as soon as they noticed it got weird and uncomfortable. He is incapable of living in the moment and enjoying people's company. Definitely screams autism.

For a second i thought Carl was wearing a shirt with "Opsters for life"

Opie is a nice guy. I really like him.

He loves uncomfortable moments

Jokes on you

He loves uncomfortable moments

Can this fucking asshole just exist without the need to be taking video all the time?

How anyone can sit across from this freak that is always recording video is beyond me. Carl gets nothing out of this, except for maybe a few bucks.