Fucking nauseating.

16  2018-07-14 by McGowan9


Commence the reddit down arrows but it was clear that Patrice did like him for whatever reason. He also liked Face-Off so there's that.

Listening back, you notice Opie is particularly annoying in conversations with Patrice. Patrice always had a way with breaking down other peoples ideas but Opie felt he would be the one to really ‘set him straight’. Patrice treated Opie like a child in these conversations knowing it wasn’t worth Opie’s hissy fits to push him to hard on something. Patrice really knew how to navigate around greggshells.

They went to the movies together on more than one occasion. They liked each other. Opies a faggot but we all have one friend who is or would be hated by everyone else you know if introduced.

Maybe he did, probably, it doesn't really matter. It's the fucking douchy, self-congratulatory tone "absolutely he did" - like anyone who doesn't like Opie has to be fucked up somehow. Also throwing in Cow Tongue Sherrod and Patrice's bitch in there - "the blacks love me!" He's such a fucking transparent tool.

“Patrice was dabesso!” “Yeah man, I know he was the fawkin’ best! We stayed on the phone for fawkin’ hours! He used to say to me cringe black guy voice ‘Ope, you got a nigga’s ribs hurtin today!’”

I eagerly await to read about it on that guys Opie Podcast Play-by-Play

Patrice used to follow me on twitter

We would DM back and forth for hours, laughing all night 🙂

I wish this was real. If it somehow is, post screenshots to every sub imaginable and reap infinite karma.

i actually just flooded his inbox with drunk shit posting

but he did follow me for a week

That must feel kind of cool. Patrice is one of the greats.

it was great, i made sure my twitter was hilarious, made some reply to his tweet saw i got a follow from bigmommaprods

if i knew he was gonna die i would have saved them


A few months back I listened to an O&A clip where they were talking about the War in Iraq and some 9/11 Truther documentary (I think), and Patrice was all in on the government mistrust.

Don't think he was outright saying 9/11 was an inside job, but he was definitely saying Operation Iraqi Freedom was predicated on lies.

Skipper Opie, doing what he always does, steers the ship by going to the callers; one of which has a son who died in Iraq. Opie does prepare Patrice by telling him this before the caller confronts Patrice with the question, "do you think my son died for a lie?".

Patrice squirmed and admitted he was very uncomfortable with the question, and avoided it by just offering with condolences and an apology.

The reason why this moment stuck with it was because it tells me Opie may not have enjoyed the company of Patrice O'Neill as much as he lets on. At least not during that time.

He was a huge cunt to Patrice on a number occasions

That's what I figured. I never listened to the show when it was on, and have only started listening to clips after stumbling on this sub so many months ago. That's the moment that sticks with me, though.

Patrice never cared for Opie outside the show. I think he genuinely felt sorry for him.

i actually just flooded his inbox with drunk shit posting

but he did follow me for a week