Who would fuck that fat ass?

0  2018-07-14 by ShitDickery



Who wouldn't; i'm pretty sure i've banged 5 chicks with the same tattoo. Skank

No. The tattoo is more of a turn off than the size tbh

Fuck it, I would.

It's a weak arse but I'd fuck the holes in a block of cheese so I'm sure I could manage

I mean I would, if I was getting paid for it

We've all fucked worse

I’d be more impressed if she actually had a fat juicy ass. But sadly it’s just back and leg with some fabric wrapped around it

that is truly an awful dumb cunt tat


I would eat it first.

Who is that? The tramp stamp is taking back to my college days.

It's more flat than fat.

I definitely would, especially if I got to enjoy her money.

I would but I'm going to treat her like the pig she is while I'm doing it.

Who is that?

That’s Amy Schumer. What’s with the Schumer posts today? No one needs to see that and they’re basically flattering her.

Without knowing it's her and that awful tramp stamp, it's not bad

That tramp stamp leads me to believe that pussy stinks