One mic between 5 unfunny and uninteresting people

20  2018-07-14 by Dennyislife


Vic ”Cash Money “ Henley

Vic ”Tits betta have my money” Henley

One too many.


Vics smiling cause he has an all expense paid vacation

money saved is money in the bank

He doesn’t have to “reqlenish meat truck” this week

if Ant is Nana, Opie is def Gramps

fawk that gripah grapefruit ipa looks amazing. going to try and pick a couple up before I get to listen. I really hope some of the Nantucket pests on here can take some behind the scenes vids/pics of the event!

This photo makes it pretty clear that the lonely faggot is paying these people to have lunch with him while everyone is pretending it's a podcast.

That is so fucking sad.

My girlfriend and her friends put their pinkies up when they meet up for mimosas. They all HOWL and the whole place goes fawkin nuts. Because, what is this? Cotillion? Haha

It's like watching a guy pay people to hang out with him because no one would for free, and he's not self aware enough to realize how embarrassing it is.

He went from one of the best broadcast studios in the country to "the on board mic on the Zoom H6 recorder." I can't even imagine how bad this audio is gonna be, that thing would barely get the job done if they were all in a car with the windows up, let alone outside and at a bar, where they're all staggered in their seating. Good lord.

It would cost a few hundred bucks at most to get a couple of lav mics and a portable mixer too. It's just too complicated for him to consider.

Carl makes a face like he is waiting for somebody's roofy to kick in.

What a colossal failure on all fronts.

Opie with the cap titled real low to cover his baldness.

trying to hide his eyes

I know he's got a dick hole for a mouth but what's up with his eyes? Too many face lifts?

whats the next island opie does a live taping from?

so that the 'haters' have to swim to booooooooo his shows?

Opie now copies the way carl holds his drink.

Don’t fuck with the destroyer

Opie is insecure about his eye-job.