Nana liking some white supremacist videos on YouTube

27  2018-07-14 by TheScheerMeme


why is he rooting for the other team?

This is literally like another holocaust, seeing Anthony Cumia liking this video triggers my genetic memories from my bubbe who survived 16 gassing in the Auschwitz death camp. She later escaped, crossing the moat that surrounded Auschwitz by jumping on the backs of the Nile crocodiles that general Rommel brought from Africa. There is a silver lining to this story; my cousing Shmuli Israel sold this story to Konami and they created Frogger.

Jesus christ

These are great videos. Not white supremacist at all. Separatists would be more accurate.

This would be fine if he was actually white. This moorish homosexual is delusional in believing he is even remotely white.

Hammered Berberskins Nation

That nigga never read Orwell.

YouTube Vanced?

Given all the crime stats that he has memorized, I'm sure that Ant is able to identify with somebody like Jared Taylor who has a degree from Yale and is fluent in multiple foreign languages. After all they are both huwhite.

Shit up nigger