Dassabesso. Making unlistenable podcasts and shit.

118  2018-07-13 by tonybygodcole


Opie's life looks like a devastating re-imagining of HBO's 'Entourage'

Another show ive never been bothered to watch

Please tell us more about what you haven't bothered to watch...

No, I'm not going to reveal anything further.


Sherrod is Johnny Drama because he is delusional about his chances of fame and he has a more famous relative. Carl is Turtle because he's the ugliest and fattest, Vic is Eric since he's the only one with a slight bit of dignity.

Opie looks like when jackass dressed up as elderly people with the prosthetics.

ME: Child of the 80s brothaman, hehehehe!

Out here lookin like an old mothahucka

Looks like he was photoshopped in there. The gap-toothed faggot with the cock in his mouth is the only one in focus.


is this a baldopie pic?

Ugh fucking Carl Ruizstein "casually" displaying his Canal Street LV belt.

How did you even notice, he's being so subtle about it.

I can't imagine why his wife divorced him.

With his fake gold plated casio

I'm so happy I have no idea what that is.

Im not a betting man but Id wager its the only prominent gold plated object in the picture. ITS A FUGAZI WATCH, SAAAM!

In what city is "canal street" a good thing?

Damn, Opie has morphed into fucking Bald Opie for real.

This sub is prophetic

Every person in that picture is bald or hiding it.

freud said y'know sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

oh yeah? sometimes its a BIG BROWN DICK

It actually looks like a real dick and they photoshopped a bald opie to cover over the naked male. Can anyone confirm? I'm on my phone can't tell for sure.

Sherrod looks like he stinks like shit.

More than he usually does.

Is opies hair photoshopped? Looks like candy floss.


oi m8 look like candy floss it does why not throw some moah fish n chips on the barbie guvna wakka wakka

Oh no...

Carl hooking his stupid fat fingers like he has a big belt buckle. This crew should be ushered into the black market and sold for organs

Ope Begley Jr

Jesus. You know they don’t like shines on that island. The neighbors are probably all looking for a realtor. Fucking Nigtucket? No thanks.

Sherrod CLAIMS he's a wild Indian from the plains..

this is the photo we've been waiting for

ps carl fuck off with that belt grabbing power move shit. you don't deserve to do it.

I personally dont like all three of them

Sherrod looks like 7 black GTA characters

Opie legit looks terrible here.


That picture looks like Opie is fucking Carl.

Also fuck big tongue too. He always talks like he's jacked.

Opie in the back where he belongs. We all know you're trying to cover your titties Op.

Is it just me or Old Tits Mcgillicutty always looks like he's been photoshopped in?

Deliberate Carl placement to cover those bubbers up...

Weekend at Bernies 2018 remake

Opie looking like Kevin Bacon

Great advertisement for portrait mode.

Boretrait mode

this sub has added some wrinkles to the ole opster

Who’s the guy in the middle

Sherrod has the face of a 7 year old on Christmas morn

why is gordon ramsey behind carl?

Opie is using Carl to cover his tits

How fucking old is Opie? He looks like Imus.

Admit it folks, Sherrod has lost weight. And we’re all happy for him.

The meat truck must have had deliveries scheduled that day.

You really shouldn't wear tank tops when you have zero muscle definition.

Opie looks like Gordon Ramsey except older, uglier, and with less hair. You fucking donkey.

promotional still for Faggots: The Motion Picture

Mediocrity in three acts.

Damn, Carl looks fawkin cool. I'm not being sarcastic, I wish my face looked like his. He must slay to the point of exhaustion.

What’s with the black guy’s tongue?

This looks the a behind the scenes pic from a budget gonzo porn.

Sherrod's the slightly retarded talent. Carl's the sassy camera man, slash color commentary guy. Opie's the elderly sucker they got to finance it.

Carl's face is the only thing in focus. What's going on here

Opie has a knack for standing in the worst possible spot for every group photo

Yes - in the frame

Omg. I thought that was Christopher Lloyd til I read the title. 😂 (#sosorrybuttrue

Opies looking like he just opened the ark.

The Unfuckables.

Opie looks like the dead dad from that show Reaper

I drove from Baltimore to NJ tried to listen to the boat episodes.::..terrible...something about Zima and box wine watches and cars but the audio was shit ..I gave it a shot ...never again never again

I listen to podcasts all day at work so i subscribed to Opies. Half the episodes weren't too bad. The other half sound like my 8 year old making a youtube video that makes no sense (noises and humor for kids). The show is based around Carl's life. I don't get why Carl just doesnt do his own thing and ditch Opie. All the guests are Carl's friends, just like jimmy and ant brought the good comedians onto O & A. Think the only comedians opie wanted were the lame ones like Vic and Sherrod.

Opie looks like he’s trying to be Robert California


That spic hashslinger is starting to get under my skin.

All the real comics go to Montreal for their comedy festival... The middles go to Branson, Mo... then there’s Opie and his “Hack Pack” - a conference room at a hotel on an island as the opener for a puppet act.

Puppet act as in globalists central planning or marionette's ?

A shittier version of Lester and Lambchop.

I used to go to Comiccon back in the eighties, long before it was a phenomenon. There were basically three types of attendees:

1) teenagers

2) adult pedophiles gawking at teenagers

3) z-list celebrities

It was always depressing to see someone selling autographs for $20 each, based on a bit part in a movie that nobody remembers. Just sitting at their sad little card tables waiting for someone to recognize them.

Opie's "career" is worse than that

Imagine how good stuff tastes with that fat tongue

I can’t blame Carl for enjoying his new status of clearly being more successful than Opie.

That chef faggot is cancer

It's very rare when Sherrod, isn't the most despised one. Bravo!

Reminder: Opie has children.

Nigga in the middle look like a fuckin beaver yo!

Is it physically not possible for Sherrod to maintain his tongue within the confines of his lips when taking a picture?

Ol' third wheel Hughes

Sherrod is lookin pretty jacked

A shittier version of Lester and Lambchop.