OpieRaqio not giving a fuck. He's just that kind of guy.

10  2018-07-13 by oskimon


not even a funny bit and he won't let it go.

It's funny when you remember this asshat lost his life defining gig because of it.

That's the real punchline. How many millions it cost him. Now he is doing free appearances at wine festivals.

I guarantee he made a big contribution to the charity just to get the gig.

Tax write off

not to mention, probably at the wood's hole glory hole looking for a half-sour.

This guy just loves to watch spics take shits.

Fawk yeah

I feel for his kids. Imagine having chip for a father

autist humor

I dont care, I laughed

isnt he almost 60?

pollocksteven👏👏👏👏👏lmao to good 👏👏👏👏 a Comedy genius

I cant see it because he blocked me on instagram. What is it?

A picture from inside a stall with a hand holding a camera reaching over the top and the caption is something to the effect of "Looking for (He posts sherrod, vic and carls twitter names)"