Standup Comedy is dead! Get with the times.You are not special .You fucking hacks need to move on with your lives and take an indefinite applause brake.

0  2018-07-13 by RahShieWoo


You are not my president of life in general.

We are citizens though. And we have all had enough of comedy. Yes we have.

Preach, soul sister

Times up. We are at a point in our lives where its not fun to see someone marching back and forth onstage. You thinkn of these quick witted guys and I would be aftaid to see an italian man talking fast making jokes. The people have decided. You can watch someone put on a play on a stage or you can watch pewdiepie make little chirpy noises in a way that like monkey see monkey do we all meme and talk to each other in little pewdiepie chirpy noises and that will transcend language.

im a sack of shit, this is one of the only places i can type honestly and it'll probably never come back to haunt me

Yeah sister

applause brake