"From absolutely nothing to extreme violence in a split second" - An outraged convicted woman-beater.

49  2018-07-13 by JustPooch


it's their nature...And he was just a photographer trying to capture it.

How else you going to take amazingly artistic photos of scaffolding?! You need a high end lens like his.


"Nono I was never convicted of beating a woman. See, technically, since I admitted to beating and biting her, there was no need to convict me!"

"See, I did bite and kick her, there's no question about that, it's on video. What I did was admit it so I could avoid taking my punishment like a man or learning any lessons!"

"There was video evidence of me gently encouraging Dani to seek help with her substance abuse issues in a non-confrontational and loving way, but that pesky DA had it out for me and ordered the cops to tamper with evidence (a felony)!!!"

Nigga to scared to look at a bunch of niglets smh

tellem fam 100% bbbbbb firefire excellent

Ant made sure to flash his side arm at the safelite auto guy and then bragged about it.

the more time that passes, the more ways he finds to tell that story without mentioning he got beat up by a girl

And every time it solidifies the reality he denies; that he was taking creep shots of her

I guarantee he called her a nigger when she told him to stop taking pictures. Yes, she had no right to hit him but it's funny how he got put in his place.

Nah, i hear what you are saying, but he has only even thought the word nigger around black people. He says it when he thinks hes 'safe'. Man doesn't even have the cowardice of his convictions.

I forgot about Ron vs. Colin Fagherty. The man was even too scared to confront Opie.

Lol he thought he can bully that black woman and end up getting smashed

There's a clip of him on O&A where he talks about how he enjoys scaring girls in Times Square by taking pictures of them. Was going to backfire on him eventually.

He was probably trashed though.

"Name one racist thing I've ever tweeted. You can't."

because dummy keeps getting his accounts deleted

Can you imagine being such a pussy that you'd avoid making eye contact with a group of women because you'd be scared they'd beat the shit out of you? No, neither can I.

It wasn't the eye contact that got you a beating. It was the giant camera you were pointing at someone on an empty street at 3 AM. Fucking creep.

Anthony's sisters making the news today. One beat a 92 year old man for bumping into a little girl accidentally. Another group of Anthony's family beat up a waitress for bumping into their legs.

Beware of black ladies?

Listen up guys, he's addressing the wide spread problem with female black chicks!

Shut uo you old fool, nobody cares

All the other points have already been covered, but it saying 'no one addresses it' regarding violence in the black community is fucking retarded. Even that rapist bill Cosby talked about it. Jesus every single black public figure talks about it.

I now believe that Ant instigated the fight by shouting stuff at her. Maybe cat calling, maybe just some derogatory shit about women or blacks, but it couldn't have just been the photos.

He said he was taking pictures of her and kept on taking pictures as she walked towards him telling him to stop.

Anthony Cumia...Race War Martyr. He WARNED us, people...but YOU didn't listen! It's so funny how he intensely scans the news every day, desperately looking for stupid stories he can relate to or use to validate himself.

Goddamn is he fucking pathetic. We get it, you broke wop bastard. Him saying this as though he has some elevated perspective is nauseating.

Ant is Samcro joe level retard these days. I fucking hate this guy who I used to defend.


I don't believe Ant was in Time Square and just taking photos at 1am

Wow this guy is an idiot. It's such a widespread problem, I know because I experienced it once four years ago.