UK faggots why are you protesting our president

3  2018-07-13 by peopleforgetthat

Just worry about fixing your shithole, we left you for a reason


to distract from brexit

UK faggots

You answered your own question.

[toothless ululation]!

they aren't. it's maybe seventeen paid protestors and experimental camera angles.

What makes you think that? That's more of a Tory trick, the left in the UK are a smidge less slimy.

it's a mainstream media trick and we know how they roll in this country.


Lol what? They are both as bad as each other.

We are really against elected heads of state. If they don't come out the cunt or ballbag of the current head of state they are scum

Are you doing a Bro Joe bit?

London is gays, fake British people from America and muslims.

Is it.

When we are done with our civil war we intend to Re fight the revolution. Better get your redcoats back from the dry cleaners.