Lena Dunham wants EVERYONE to know that she just couldn't TAKE all the propositioning and being called SEXY when she was skinny, so she just became a big fat whale.....again.

15  2018-07-13 by BoboOrbani55


This woman is out of her mind, for real.

I was sent a great breakdown of her. For some reason this talentless slob started to get massive attention from the pretentious upper crust when she was 13 or 14. Serious publications would report on her prom night and stupid shit like that. I imagine growing up with dipshit painter fags for parents would already fuck someone up but being thrust into the public eye when you have nothing to give shot her into the douche stratosphere.

That FWD:FWD:FWD: 4chan screenshot about Dunham that gets reposted everywhere is a rewrite of an old comment from this sub.

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was i summoned to hate on this woman specifically or hate on all women? this will effect my following posts, but not by much.

You wrote the image about Lena that went viral.

Also, nice use of affect/effect, stupid.

yeah uh sorry.

this is a drag next time keep my name out your mouth you fat gay nerd

Don’t want to.

As a dipshit painter fag, I agree and abort any possible, potential children.

Her dad has big industry connections. The only reason Girls was made was because of that.

Her dad doesn't really have the power in the industry--it's Dunham's mom who probably got her into the business. After all, she's one of the most famous photographers in the world. I went to a retrospective of her work like 12 years ago at MoMA.

*marthesandaker@lenadunham Thank you for beeing an inspiration for girls worldwide! I have put on 15 kg in the last year and I do not regret it. Now I look like a real woman 🌸💕🌟 *

This bitch gained 30 pounds in one year and doesn't regret it? How do you even do that?

It's dark times like these I miss /u/Bams_Seed the most 😢

Poor little mug is probably already being followed by the police again

Poor little mug? Do you have one fucking ounce of originality?

Lol look she made a comment yesterday bullying an anorexic woman. That's our gal.

162? Bullshit. Love the pack of Newports, though.

If she’s smoking Newports, we all know what she’s a mud shark

I smoked Newports and Kools for years. I am fairly certain.

The before picture could still lose a few pounds.

What a mental patient. Although, on the left, she looks oddly fuckable. On the right, she actually looks like something I'd sadly fuck.

The left has that "ugly cute" thing for me.

Or fuck sadly. And 138 is still fat in my book

Jeffery Jones looking cunt.

I'd rather fuck Jeffery "art photos" Jones.

Her weight may go up and down, but you can always count on her face being ugly.

Good for Stinks, gettin' of the smack.

She’s eating away her guilt after finger fucking her sister

Says the pig who created an entire TV program as a vehicle to get naked and simulate sex with actors who otherwise wouldn't go anywhere near her naked body even on a dare. "Sick in the tissue"...that isn't even a real thing and even if it was I seriously doubt shoveling pie into her gaping maw is the cure. Keep eating, tubby, the faster you croak the better off society will be.

I’d plow either one, what do I care?

I don't care if you're fat, just don't justify it with some feelgood bullshit

What—pray tell—is a “fun” snack? Coke floats?

Seriously, as a former fattie, I know she’s lying about how happy she is being fat because she thinks she has to.

You don’t have to be addicted to pills to be thin, you just have to work hard which doesn’t seem like something she does. She just relies on sad fat feminists who are mad at their dads to prop up an Emperor Has No Clothes career.

How brave of her to reclaim her feminimity from male something something who the fuck cares.

Reminds me of a somehow more hateable and mediocre retread of this trainwreck

That video just ruined my fucking year.

Didn't she get pissed off at Odell Beckham Jr for not having the slightest interest in her?

That's because she's an offensive racist!

i always get bummed when girls get too fat or do come and meth to get to fat

when literal demons like Lenah fluctuate so quickly, I fear her shape shifting abilities and hope she never reached her final form

Would still smash.