Can someone with down syndrome consent to sex?

3  2018-07-13 by unclepaul84


Sure, they get married all the time. But do go on.....

/u/itseriknagel comment?

Fuck... I hope so.

Get that retard tongue in your asshole and it's like heaven on earth.

That's what I love about waterheads, they keep getting dumber and I stay at the same level of intelligence

What's wrong, Parkinsons not good enough for you?

Does it matter?

They're too strong to rape.

fat asses though. preserving their retard species.

She gave my dick Up Syndrome, your honor.

No. Don't ask.

They can't get pregnant, but don't mention that to Bonnie

i feel like i’ve heard this discussed on legion of skanks a few times before.

Dem titties ain't retarded.

The real question being does it matter?