Wow, in that pose flutesy really hides that beak

31  2018-07-12 by Der-Giftpilz


how has she not been gang raped by big a and bobo yet?

One can't get it up, the other blasts payload before he touches his belt.

Dream team

Why are you assuming she hasn't?

I'd like to choke her while I fucked her ass, if you catch my drift.

You silver tongued romantic you

You could cut the head off before you fuck her if it bothers you that much.

Clever. The Big A method.

Yeah it is the best way, I don't mind the struggling, it is the crying that bothers me.

Then quit chosing the ones that cant talk yet

R. Crumb wrote a comic about shoving a girl's head down inside her neck and putting a pipe there for food and water. The dude does it so he can fuck her without any bullshit.

Wait isn't there one with a genie that makes a girl's head disappear, and at the end the man is horrified that the head was inside the torso all along? Sounds very similar. Crumb is too vulgar for my sensibilities thank you very much I just watch friends and netflix

I wanna sniff her inner thigh area

Who the fuck cares, you faggots have a mile wide gay streak about shit. Big schnoz'd chicks make my willy silly

If you wouldn't, you're gay

This is the part where we all pretend we wouldn't love to have sex with her because of her nose, right?

She's a 6 at best, and I've fucked far worse.

She's a god damn 4 at best.

Do you dipshits realize the fact she isn't obese makes her well above a 4 in 2018?


Move out of that town/state/area.


I'm trying to learn Czech, but for the time-being Canada, US, Australia and UK are only choices.

This needs to be upvoted. Very astute observation.

For a gal like Flutesy: If you're bothered by JUST her nose, then you're probably gay.

That fuckin' name, and the general reverence for her in this sub, irrationally irritate me.

The inevitable second chin or garage door thighs aren't hidden though.

What Target does she work at?

Love a big schnoz on a woman.

I'd like to give her asshole a vulgar thrashing.

We'd all give her a smooch. To pretend otherwise is folly.


She looks like that counselor chick from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Not even close.

OK, faggot.

She doesn't look a thing like Marina Sirtis who was smoking hot in her prime and still very good looking.

It makes me a fag to point out that the North Jesery street trash 5 and a half on a good day is not close to being as hot as a successful actress?

I say again: OK, faggot.

Whatever you say, DildoRenter

You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt!

Bizarro world. Hosp, /u/eastsidedan who's crowning note in life was being runner up in Howard Stern's micro-penis contest, is commenting on the looks of a woman he couldn't achieve penetration with if given the chance

Then quit chosing the ones that cant talk yet

R. Crumb wrote a comic about shoving a girl's head down inside her neck and putting a pipe there for food and water. The dude does it so he can fuck her without any bullshit.