Jim lies to Ant about bombing at the Big Jay roast. Takes highly calculated middle of road stance. Yeah man, I only saw like 80% & it was a bad quality copy, but you didn't bomb, AT ALL.

72  2018-07-12 by RapistWithHIV



This is what my manager, who is a terrible manager and fears confrontation does to his team.

No... No. I would tell you if you did that.

As someone who was sitting in the audience that night I can assure you he bombed. It was uncomfortable & you could feel the douche chills. All the comedians wrote jokes for one another but stupid decided to go it on his own.

Didn’t he say something about Dani helping him write jokes in the car?

Could be, she was there that night. I remember her walking around introducing to industry people who didn't give a shit while he ignored her & pounded rum & cokes.

That’s an amusing subtext to that relationship that gets lost in the shuffle: she had showbiz ambitions and thought Ant could or would actually help her “make it”.

He did in the end, her video with kicked in ribs and a bitten hand was very popular in it's heyday.

She was a one hit wonder though

One bit wonder

Perhaps more than dat Phil

Industry people were at a function held to honor Jay Oakerson?

How'd ya think he got that sweet gig on Seeso.

He didn’t say what industry. Half the reps were from wallet chain manufacturers.

The power brokers of that industry were none-too-pleased with Ant's remarks.

Hot Topic

They should enjoy their pillow talks in private, it's far from compelling audio.

His stupid frantic rushed high pitched faggoty voice. I hate him

Another reason Ant has lost it. Back in the day he could probably freestyle the roast and kill it but now with alcohol and xanax taking its toll, its getting hard for the young lad.

young lad.

I have bad news. He morphed into an ethic grandmother.

I doubt it. Without people to feed off of he's always been lousy.

Lol. He wouldn't know how to filter the garbage. Ant was conversation funny.

Jim mus have heard the joke version someone here made where they put sitcom laughter on it to make it sound good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zDcpTrep4Y

Fuck that's hilarious

If Ant breaks off their friendship because Jim criticized him once, then Ant isn't a good friend, and Jim is better off without him.

And it's not a career-protecting move. Ant was, even when the Big Jay roast happened, a gigantic failure with no future in the business, and is even worse off now.

So what the fuck is Jimmy so terrified of? Why can't he be honest with his opinions?

So what the fuck is Jimmy so terrified of? Why can't he be honest with his opinions?

You don't think Jim is the brutally honest edgy comedian that he sees himself as?

You can't make sense of it. Serial killers have better reasons for their behavior than those three.

I think Jim protects Ant cause him and Opie gave him such a great gig that pays well. He always over sells Ants jokes on the chip podcast also.

"The only way someone would think you bombed is if they looked at the faces of the comedians behind you not laughing at a punchline!"

Jim could only tell by the faces of the comedians on stage (who were laughing at how shitty it was)

I appreciate the isolated clip and the inflammatory titles you give these

Why would you only watch 80%? It was only like 4 minutes. Plus we could all hear the jokes, Jim. Is this Jims plausible deniability so when someone says he did bomb he can say "that must have been the 20% I didn't watch."

Jim also denied Judy Gold bombing at the Vos roast when she even admitted it while on stage

Why would you only watch 80%? It was only like 4 minutes.

It's a weasels technique he's crafted & he does it with guests who are promoting stuff as well: "I only read a bit of your book so far, but the parts I did read are fucking geeeniiiiuuuus, I genuinely mean that."

This way he can brown nose them but still safeguard himself from not knowing anything. He's the most calculated phony fuck.

Jim is very prepared.

If you're taking calls to defend your set, you bombed.

Whaaaa? That's ridiculous.

Anyways...SNOWAYYYY calling in, says everyone missed a really funny line I said earlier...

The Skanks telling him he didn't bomb was just as pathetic. They were on CM at the time so probably felt they had too.

"It didn't even occur to me that you bombed..."

You know Jimmy's lying when he gets that faggy prim and proper sound in his voice. He's fucking a hundred times worse than Opie at this point. What a piece of total shit.

he gets that faggy prim and proper sound in his voice

He sounds like he's smugly rolling his eyes up in his head when he talks like that. Irritating.

I give him a D+. He definitely didn't bomb, he wasn't good though.

How can Ant be so delusional to agree with this creep? If I bombed that hard no amount of placating would change my mind about how bad I did.

Bad quality copy? That's just how it fucking looked lol

So what the fuck is Jimmy so terrified of? Why can't he be honest with his opinions?

You don't think Jim is the brutally honest edgy comedian that he sees himself as?

You can't make sense of it. Serial killers have better reasons for their behavior than those three.

I think Jim protects Ant cause him and Opie gave him such a great gig that pays well. He always over sells Ants jokes on the chip podcast also.