Carl Ruiz: Does He Actually Have a Job?

21  2018-07-12 by OpiesInnerCircle

I've never heard of a chef that has so much free time in the afternoons & during the dinner hours. Weird, right?


I think he has a bunch of businesses that he lets managers run. He never seems to be doing anything work related except for the food network.

Is he still on the Food Network? What other businesses? He lost Marie's in the divorce.

I think he might guest host. I never heard of him before Opie. He probably has other restaurants.

Saw Carl on the Food Network just last night


Businesses ?!! The guy Is a complete fraud... he owns nothing

Yea right, have you SEEN his hat suit case? It's shaped like a hat!

Opie pays him to slather his cock in picante sauce and suck it off.

Do tell

Carl is a beaner and also a faggot.

It wouldn't surprise me if Opie pays him 150k a year to be his personal chef/friend.

He was down to one restaurant in the opie raqio days and he Co owned that with his wife. So he probably has nothing left.

Carl is to Guy as Guy is to Emeril.


Fucking gay wristwatch-collecting fraud with GI Joe real life hair and beard.