The Chip podcast is not a good podcast.

58  2018-07-12 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

I think it's because Jim Norton is bad at comedy, but I can't be certain. Thank you for your time.


No, thank you for your contribution.

I believe you’re right. Jim being a completely unfunny faggot makes it objectively impossible for the podcast to be good.

hot take.

Jim Norton's "beating a dead horse podcast"


The first 25 were good. Then it became boring.

No they weren’t. You seem to be mistaken.

Ok the first 5 were good

No, no they weren’t.

Chip thing is like an SNL sketch that was kinda funny and then Lorne Michaels decides to turn it into a feature film which completely sucks the humor out of it. There are so many of those. Superstar, It's Pat, Night at the Roxbury, MacGruber, Stewart Saves his Family, etc.

At least those things had somewhat of a universal appeal. Chip shit needs you to be a superfan to get it. There's no subtlety to it and isn't really good comedy like Borat or Ali G characters, which are easily understood by anyone.

What I'm trying to say is, Jim Norton is a really weak ass comedian with no range. Anti-comedy and cringe comedy is hard. He doesn't have the ability to pull it off and make it something that endures.

Oh yeah, he also takes HIV medication.

Oh yeah, he also takes HIV medication.

Whatever for?

Its his go to bit.

They made that Pat -- not quite this not quite that -- bit into a film????? Ooof.

Ween guest star in it. That's dope.

I'm gonna be playing with the Ween!

“Oh my nuts!” Are you ok? “No, that was my afternoon snaaack”

MacGruber is funny ya dope.

Take macgruber out of ur examples u piece of shit

MacGruber is still hilarious.

Chip doing some sort of jab at Opie and then Ant and/or Sam picks up on it and laughs/goes "Oh boy..." and Jim giving coy smile as though he's a genius is fucking annoying as shit.

It’s the only thing they can ever do to get a pop. I remember when they talked about Ant being a retarded heckler, Jim tried to turn the convo to Opie.

Chip is funny in small quantities, who decided to turn it into an hour+ ordeal is an asshole.

There are funny moments, it's just about 59 minutes too long.

The SNL analogy is a good one.

The worst part is to hear the forced 'laughter' of the guests... some of Cumia's finest work.

When they first started and were like 10 minutes and seemed to be recorded all in the same day with bits planned out it was a bit better

I was never able to really get into Chip or the podcast.

I THINK it's because I wasnt conceived with weak semen and raised by a single mother....I never was a huge fan of Whose Line or Jeff Dunham....and I think that repeating the same joke/silly voice for years because of mental illness (when its apparent the comedy is long since dead) is actually more than a little sad.

I do respect the fact that you all enjoy the show "like a bunch of peckahs or sumtin". Not A LOT....but, you know.

What does "Whose Line" have to do with anything? Or Jeff Dunham for that matter? You seem stupid. You may not have been raised by a single mother but there is no way, based on this post alone, that you'll convince me that your father isn't a weak sperm having faggot. Fuck you, your father, and your mother.

Chip Chipperson is a character....he "riffs off of the cuff" with people who dont know what wild thing he will say next and people love that spontaneous reaction.

That is "improv comedy" is Whose Line

Jeff Dunham does silly voices for his mongoloid does Chip Chipperson.

You REALLY are the stupidest person Ive encountered in a long fucking time. If there is any other incredibly simple thing I can explain to you before you turn on your wrastlin and play with your pecker....just let me know.

It had its moments, but they were few and far between. The first live show should have been the finale.

People are morons. Chip should be shot.

Hated the show from the get go, loved the lauren hate though

Why so literal? Have some fun.


The show is growing stale. I used to sort of look forward to it, now it's just the same week after week.

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Yet so much fresher than any of Blimmy Wardon's work in he last decade. We get it, you got the high-five, Blimmy.

I can’t stand to look at Anthony Cumia’s awful face. Can someone re-upload the videos with a blue dot or black bar over Ant’s face? Then I’ll start watching chip again.


You misspelled podcast, stupid.

Chip hasn't been funny in years. Jim thinks Chip is his ticket to stardom but the bit has reached its ceiling.

Also, can we please change the auto moderator to get rid of that stupid fucking 'Welcome to the subreddit, sockcucka!" It isn't fucking funny. Any traces of Chip should be eradicated from this website. And fuck any of you who still post a picture with the word "chip" or "Lamar" somewhere and go "What am I a fawkin _____ or sumthin?" Durr hurr. Fuck your mother.

I thought so too but Jim just mentioned he only has 12 seats left available for the next chip live show in Boston that holds 800 seats

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I have to disagree. The Chip podcast is better than 95% of podcasts out there.

The longest Chip was ever funny was when he was talking to Jay Mohr as Eddie Vedder.

Even then, that was only like, 10 minutes and Mohr was doing all the work, Jim was just making the same old " My Mother liked black guys, tss " jokes.

Mohr doing Eddie Vedder as a Chip fan is my favorite thing he's ever done

chip's podacast is the only podcast I listen to. The rest are fucking boring.

Jim should play a character where he is an overweight, caustic, angry, insult comic who calls out hypocrisy and phoniness in our media saturated entertainment culture.

Then he would be back to square one.

The jimmster of old

I like the Podacast, it's also one of the only venues Anthony is hilarious in anymore

Chip’s funnier than a mug

You guys thought something called "Chip Chipperson" was funny.

Ha, retards.

Chip was great what he was subtle. The catchphrases and over the topness is just so bad. The faces too.

The guy that bombs is a great man on the street character. He did it well. The over the top garbage it is now? Unrecognizable.

REMINDER: Jim Norton stole the entire Chip act from The Jerky Boys.