Have Jim & Sam shit on Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette special yet or are they gonna wait two weeks to defend it with “It’s tough, man”

46  2018-07-11 by BoboOrbani55

Can you imagine what O&A with Jimmy and Patrice could have done with that horrendous audio around 2007? It would’ve been fucking Gettysburg.


Jim would never do that. Jim is like Neal Brennen, whoever is hot and alt is right up his alley.

Corporate trash is totally "alt."

he likes those guys too.

It’s marketed as alt anti establishment though so I know what he means.

There's a large Scandinavian fellow that's been up Jim's alley, does that make him hot?

You mean his ass, right?

Would be Hollywood/entertainment career suicide for Jim

"I don't know, like I've said before I don't want to be influenced so I haven't seen it. I've heard she's really funny though, just telling you what I've heard."


Legitimately being genuine!

I would tell you if I was lying! I'm not gonna motherfuck her.

I would of hired him myself, honestly I would have, Artie was hilarious yesterday.

He didn't show up yesterday.

Well he still has time to turn it around.

I know The Bonfire went through it. Pretty fucking funny

In a boys dream...

Oh, when you come...Crashing next week will star Dave Landau!

What day/episode did they talk about it?

I wish I could tell you, but I honestly don't remember. Last Monday maybe? Either way, Bonfire has gotten better and better. Big Jay and Soder work great together. I've become a fan after putting off the show for while.

I'm pleasantly surprised by every episode of the Bonfire. Relistening to late SiriusXM O&A shows makes you forget a radio program is supposed to be jokes and impressions. Everthing doesn't need to be underscored by decades of grudges and plays for such small amounts of power that it depresses the listener.

I don't listen to it but as gay as Jay dresses he is pretty fucking funny. The corey feldman material was gold.

he's pretty solid at crowd work

6/25 about a half hour in she's mentioned during Jay's rant about how white women ruin comedy as the #1 hecklers. But I skimmed through every show in the past 2 weeks and didn't hear any full review of the show as /u/crookedmile said. So it wasn't uploaded or was taken down if he's right. The main thing was LOS episode 368 and the Real Ass Podcast with Nick Mullen and Tim Dillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhLClfK5vuQ

The Bonfire is the best thing remaining on SXM

Jay has some weird issues but the corey Feldman compilation is wonderful. I'm trying to discover new stuff from them but it's hit or miss.

The episode with DJ Lou recounting his experience in Amsterdam from a few weeks ago was fucking hilarious.

have you heard the transcript of Lou getting scammed? you can hear the joy in Dan & Jays voice

The Christian Comic Chaundra Pierce audio is my favorite bit they've done.

Though the Christopher Robin bit a few weeks back had me howling just because of how perfect Soder's Winnie the Pooh is.

"I don't know man, I mean, on one hand she's got a lot of issues, and I know all about that. But on the other hand YECK, your job is to be funny, you know what I mean?"

"I never mock fellow comedians Jim Norton"....not that she's really a comedian but queer Jim will surely defend it

Another in the long list of things no one would have ever heard of if not for the indignance of comedians

Yeah it’s not like it was promoted by The New York Times or anything, STUPID.

It’s as if Sam is sucking the funny out of Jim

They’ll ignore it. A caller brought up the Jocktobering of Opie’s podcast and Jim, Sam and Bob Kelly all ignored it then went back to talking about buying shoes. Shoes. I don’t care that it was sneakers, it was a conversation about fucking shoes. No one is making Jimmy turn the show into Sex and the City if they had a fat chick. There’s no sense hoping he’ll go after anything the way old Jimmy would have.

"Judy Gold's set at the roast was great, everyone is saying she bombed, but I was literally there and I don't remember her bombing."

Jim can relate to being a raped lesbian with zero comedy chops.

I wish I could tell you, but I honestly don't remember. Last Monday maybe? Either way, Bonfire has gotten better and better. Big Jay and Soder work great together. I've become a fan after putting off the show for while.

6/25 about a half hour in she's mentioned during Jay's rant about how white women ruin comedy as the #1 hecklers. But I skimmed through every show in the past 2 weeks and didn't hear any full review of the show as /u/crookedmile said. So it wasn't uploaded or was taken down if he's right. The main thing was LOS episode 368 and the Real Ass Podcast with Nick Mullen and Tim Dillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhLClfK5vuQ