
182  2018-07-11 by Suibu


Absolute delusion

At the very least you allowed this young man to suck your dick, Anthony

W know he didn't fuck sue. He just pushed his hips back when Sue mounted him. Its totally not gay that she has a penis.

It's only gay to fuck a transwoman if they don't pass.

I don't make the rules.


Username checks out

I think the the fact that she's a prostitute and amateur porn star that you paid to be there was the clincher, you lying scrotum-faced sack of shit.

Maybe Sue was a good person to hang out with... But you aren't, Anthony, so that's the clincher that you're lying.

Not to be confused with "Clencher", which was her pet name for you.

I don't get the gender confusion, she has a very feminine penis.

Tss yeah she hung out her peckah so you could suck it ya pieca gahbage!


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Not sure what to think here. On one hand Ant's wrong because the only way girls are fun or good to hang out with is to fuck them, but Sue's really a guy so he's probably actually fun to hang out with and maybe nothing happened.

I think Sue's really a guy and Anthony only hung out with him to have sex with him.

That is the only logic thing to think.

A gay guy

So what was so fun about him when he's a guy completely focused on sexuality?

Discussing the finer points of Ghost in the Shell.

Crazy how he's fine with being recognized as a domestic abuser but GOD FORBID ANYONE KNOW HE LIKES COCK.

That’s the worst thing you can say about a man.

"HEY!"-fez whatley

"The other f word"


"I'm just gonna sit here at the keyboard, hittin' the same note over and over."

Rude and Rude

More like Fez Cryley, am I right fellas? dvv dvv

New bit! New bit! Fez’s around the world!

Wait, wait....please wait! Don't we all hate Ronnie B.?

Don't we all hate Ronnie B.?


You a fag

dat's why he gay!


Can't disappoint Dad.

way too late for that. The minute he saw Anth playing with dolls while walking in his mommy shoes, his father knew.

Guess those father/son showers did more harm than good.

Found the gay!

A 50 year old man hanging out with a 20 y/o kid that is trans, and jacks off on video for people. Makes complete sense, he hung out with her just for the AMAZING conversations.

Excuse me, Anth was 55 at the time.

Could have been their mutual anime interest.

Little did you know when he's not taking things up his ass on camera, Sue enjoys staying up all night alone drinking Bud Light and regurgitating racist right wing opinions.

Somebody linked a video of Sue blowing and fucking a dude. I couldn't believe what a dork Sue was. Like a total dork nerd teenage gamer trying to act like a porn star. He sounded like such a dufus dipshit. All I saw was an extremely awkward teenage boy. I will never believe that anyone anywhere would enjoy being in the same room with him for conversation. Anyone who has sex with him is equally disturbing.

lmao nigga u gay


It's one of the worst sexual performances ever.

The fact that before the sue encounter stetton said he had a dildo kinda confirms everything imo.

"Sue please. Stop trying to blow me. Tell me what's your opinion on Obama"

I’m sure she enjoys hearing movie references from decades before she was born repeated five thousand times.

and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock.

He couldn't bring himself to say 'she'.

Who cares?

(everyone on this sub owes it to themselves to look at this persons post history)

Heee's a faaaaag!


Jealous as a muuug

Hey, 30[M4T], why don't ya shut it

It's nice to see you're still working hard.

If Sue is "really fun and a good person to hang out with", why did he first play the "it's nobody's business!" card?

If you combine these two things, Tranpa's official stance is that it's nobody's business that Sue is really fun and a good person to hang out with.

It's time for Nana to fess up that he got caught with his hand in the ol' penis jar.

Also, if Sue's such a barrel of monkeys, why didn't he have him on his show?

Also why didn't Tranpa scrubb all his social media pages of any connection he had with Sue and had him do the same?

Also any Sue referenced Twitter account doesn’t seem to get a lovely DM with a trip to obscurity. It’s just immediately blocked.

He didn't confess to even knowing "Sue" at first. He ha ha ha holy shitted it and claimed we were talking about a pic of Bailey Jay at his house.

  • "They call me Tranthony because I'm friends with Bailey Jay"

  • "I prefer the trans." - Nana on twitter when comparing photos or Rihanna and Sue, months after their gay affair was exposed but before he was ready to pretend he was just good pals with a 20 year old trans prostitute

It's time for Nana to fess up that #he got caught with his hand in the ol' penis jar.

If Sue is a "really fun and a good person to hang out with", why don't they hang out anymore?

This never would've become a thing if you hadn't come here and had a crying fit over it.

I don't know what is worse. An elderly man keeping a kid around because he wants to fuck them, or an elderly man keeping a kid around because he wants to be their friend.

I'd have more respect for Ant if he just wanted some boy pussi.


boy pussi.

boi pucci, get it right.

Yeah most 50 year old guys get along well with 20 year old trans amateur pornstars


I like to think that Jon and Jeff are somewhere in Thailand laughing their balls off at Nana Cumia’s twitter feed

Is this the ramblings of a wannabe teenager? We get it you fucked a dude.

I'm probably way behind on this but didn't he initially deny it was even his house/bathroom or whatever

Reminder: Ant took a selfie wearing Sue's gitch on his head in the bathroom

i'm fucking bored with it.

Bam Margera fucked Opie’s wife

ugh. ...nothing. this isn't doing it for me anymore.

the sub's passed u by

he got lost somewhere along the way......

This sub died before Kuhns kid.

I'm sure a 70 year old hermit and a mentally ill 18 year old boy with tits have a lot in common.

I believe him. Sue was special and he wanted their first time to be special. No need to jump into bed so soon when you’re gonna be together forever. Then Melissa Stetten and her minions on this subreddit ruined everything. Now he’s just got one of Sue’s Ergo Proxy t-shirts in his closet, with one of his short sleeve button ups over it on the same hanger. He sometimes sniffs her shirt to remember the good times. He also dreams of getting a place in Texas, where he and Sue can pick up where they left off, far away from the prying eyes of the cellar crowd and this subreddit. I hope he makes that dream come true.

Sue was 'well hung out'.

He/She does web cam shows and is a tranny. He fucked him.

I guess he proved us wrong

It was at that moment that I realized Ant really did fuck sue in the ass - Narrator from Stan by me voice

:::::cue stand by me song::::::::

Roll credits.

Stan by me sounds like a gay porno

Ant sure does use the word 'person' a lot when he talks about Sue.

I'm sure they have the same politics, she looks like a absolute trump supporter

At no point in that tweet did he deny fucking Sue..

....and I fucked him."

If by "someone" you mean someone who has sex for money then yes.

Blah blah blah, someone break this asshole's fingers already.

who introduced Sue into the Cumpound? Maybe we can get a straight answer from them.
A 55 year old man has nothing to talk about with a 20 year old trans porn star that isn't transactional.

Was? Oh my, he killed that young boy didn't he?

One of the most underrated pieces of evidence that Aunth is lying here is because of that time he answered the phone call from Danny Ross in a feminine voice. That was creepy.

Famous people and Ant do that with weird numbers.

Tell tale sign of a liar. Admit to the least damaging. Maybe he didnt “fuck” it, but he deff let it blow him. And he will admit to that eventually.

Everything ants ever said on air goes against hanging out with 18 year old male transsexuals who suck cock for money. Why does he expect people to believe this?

More like Sue’s dick hangs out her pants and into his mouth.

Just because a transexual prostitute was at my house, and a hotel I frequent I fucked her?

He's saying they had a good hang.

To be completely fair... I fuck everyone who comes to my house

Hang out with? Fawk yeah I see what you did there Ant!


Guess those father/son showers did more harm than good.